DESPATCHES RELATING TO THE DEPARTUREOF A MILITARY AND NAVAL EXPEDITION FROM GENOA TO THE KINGDOM OF THE TWO SICILIES. ____________________________________________________________________ Presented to the House of Lords by Command of Her Majesty, in pursuance of their Address dated May 14, 1860. ___________________________________________________________________ LONDON PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS. LIST OF PAPERS. |
1. Sir J. Hudson to Lord J. Russell | May 6, | 1860 | 1 |
Two Inclosure. | |||
2. Sir J. Hudson to Lord J. Russell | May 8, | 1860 | 2 |
Four Inclosure. |
Copies of or Extracts from any Despatches of Her Majesty’s Consul at Genoa,
relating to the Departure of a Military and Naval Expedition
from the Port of Genoa for the Dominions of the King of the Two Sicilies.
My Lord, Turin, May 6, 1860.
I HAVE the honour to inclose, herewith, the copy of a despatch which I have received from Her Majesty’s Consul for Genoa, reporting the departure from places near Genoa of two Sardinian merchant-steamers with a number of persons, computed by the Consul at about 400, bound on an expedition, it was thought, to the Island of Sicily.
From other quarters I have learnt that this expedition will not proceed to Sicily, but will disembark at some point on the mainland, and will attempt to raise the Abruzzi.
I have &c.
Sir, Genoa, May 6, 1860.
I SENT you, early this morning, the following telegram:—
“Sicilian expedition left this coast for Sicily this morning in two steamers. Numbers variously computed: probably about 400. Particulars by messenger.?
And although I have not at present any very exact data as to the number and equipment of the expedition, 1 think it best to put you at once in possession of such information as I have been able to collect, reserving myself to give you further details when I may be able. As you are aware, there have been collected in Genoa during the last few days a considerable number of refugees from the Southern Italian States, and other persons whose object in coming here was, it was reported, to form an expedition under the command of General Garibaldi to proceed to the assistance of the insurgents in Sicily. It had several times been reported that bodies of these men had started for Sicily, but I do not believe that there was any truth in these reports; as having witnessed the embarkation last night, and seen how much movement and excitement was caused by it in the town, I do not think that if there had really been any previous expedition it would have remained a matter of doubt.
The embarkation commenced at about 9 o’clock last night, and only finished at about half-past 6 this morning; it was not, however, the great number of men embarked that caused it to be so long an operation, but the fact that it had to be performed in small boats, and that there appears to have been some hitch or difficulty which was not foreseen by the heads of the expedition as to getting the steamers in readiness.
The embarkation did not take place in the port, as the authorities had taken measures to prevent this, but was effected by means of small boats which took the men from the beach of the Foci and that of Quarto, about four miles from Genoa.
The boats then waited about half a mile from shore until the steamers picked them up, which was not until near daylight. The two steamers are the “Lombardo - and the “Piemonte, - both Sardinian merchant-steamers usually employed in the voyages to Leghorn, Naples, Marseilles, &c.
The number of men embarked is very variously computed, and I speak merely from the idea I was able to form from what I saw, and my knowledge of the size of the steamers, when I reckon them at about 400. Some people. assured me that there were upwards of 2,000, and some calculated the number actually embarked at only 300. The steamers were taken from the harbour: a force, or semblance of force, was, I am told, used; but this is hardly to be credited, since the ships were under the very guns of the arsenal; and as the authorities had to my certain knowledge taken measures to prevent the embarkatión from taking place in the port, they could hardly have permitted a forcible seizure of two steamers.
The direction of the expedition is said to be for Sicily, and the steamers certainly laid their course that way; but I have been able to learn but little on the subject, since the men themselves were in perfect ignorance as to their destination.
No arms were visible among the men, but I am informed that a large number of cases and chests such as may have contained arms were embarked.
I cannot either state for certain whether the expedition was headed by General Garibaldi, or whether he yet remains here; certain it is that he took a very active part in the whole affair.
There are constantly fresh arrivals of the so-called “Volontari - at Genoa I hear that as many as 300 have just arrived this morning.
I have, &c.
My Lord, Turin ,May 8, 1860.
I HAVE the honour to inclose herewith the copy of a letter which has been addressed to me by Her Majesty’s Consul for Genoa, containing some further Information respecting the expedition under General Garibaldi, which is said to be bound either for Sicily or Calabria.
I have, &c.
Sir, Genoa, May 7, 1860.
SINCE I wrote to you yesterday, I have learnt that General Garibaldi did start at the head of the expedition, and from information I have now received, 1 am led to believe that in composing it at 400 I was considerably under the mark. I find that besides the “Lombardo - and the “Piemonte, - there was another steamer which took on board a considerable number of men; these went from hence to Bogliasco (about nine miles from Genoa), and were there embarked, and
I believe it was at this place that Garibaldi himself took ship. This steamer it is believed was the “Sardegna, - which left the harbour on Saturday night for Cagliari, and was, it is asserted, brought back by force by some of the persons who had taken passage on board her for that island.
The total number of persons actually embarked from all the different points on the coast between Genoa and Recco was, according to the most reliable information I have been able to procure, a little above 1,000 men. Several hundred, however, are still in Genoa, and will, it is said, form part of a future expedition.
The report to which I alluded in my letter of yesterday, that the “Lombardo - and “Piemonte - were taken from the port of Genoa by force, appears to be true, so far as that the vessels were not taken from their berths by their own crews, but by a detachment of Garibaldi’s party, under the command of Colonel Bixio.
I have, &c.
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