No. | SUBJECT. | Page | |
1. To Mr. Elliot | June 22, 1859 | Points on which he may advise without dictating | 1 |
2. Mr. Elliot | 16. | Has urged on M. Carafa the injustice of keeping political prisoners in confinement without trial | 1 |
3 | 16. | State of feeling among Moderate Liberals and Constitutional party | 2 |
4. | 16. | Correspondence with General Filangieri respecting delay in publication of amnesty | 2 |
5. | 17. | Decrees respecting amnesty. Remarks thereon | 2 |
6. To Mr. Elliot | 23. | Answer to despatch of June 17. Approving observations respecting omissions in Decrees announcing amnesty | 7 |
7. Mr. Elliot | 20, | Efforts to effect release of political prisoners in Santa Maria Apparente | 7 |
8. | 20. | Decree in preparation authorizing return of Sicilian exiles | 8 |
9. | 21. | Conversation with Prince Filangieri on wording of amnesty | 9 |
10. | 21. | Conversation with Prince Filangieri on necessity of views of Government being made known to the country | 10 |
11. | 25. | As to immediate revival of the Constitution . | 10 |
12. | 27. | Edict respecting exiles | 10 |
13. | 28. | Release of persons apprehended in late demonstration | 12 |
14. To Mr. Elliot. | July 6, | Instructions as to bis conduct at Naples | 12 |
15. Mr. Elliot. | 7. | Will conform to instructions. Thiuks formal declaration on the part of Her Majesty’s Government would be advantageous | 13 |
16. | 7. | Conversation with General Filangieri respecting Poerio and other exiles | 13 |
17. | 7. | Audience of the King to present Queen’s letter | 14 |
18. To Mr. Elliot | 7. | Views of Her Majesty’s Government on policy to be adopted by King | 14 |
19. | 7. | To assure General Filangieri that there is no 1 chance of safety but in convocation of Representative Assembly | 15 |
20. | 8. | Approving language respecting extension of amnesty to Poerio and others | 15 |
21. | 9, | Credentials as Her Majesty’s Minister at Naples | 15 |
Mr. Elliot | 17. | Has informed General Filangieri of opinion of Her Majesty’s Government relative to convocation of Representative Assembly | 15 |
23. | 17. | Has communicated views of Her Majesty’s Government to Prince Satriano and M. Carafa | 16 |
24. | 17. | Desire of General Filangieri to stand well with England. |
16 |
25. To Mr. Elliot | 28. | Approving advice in favour of free institutions | 16 |
26. Mr. Elliot | 24. | No Sicilian exiles have availed themselves of permission to return | 17 |
27. | 24. | Intended reorganization of Provincial Councils not likely to satisfy. Advice for a more Constitutional System | 17 |
28. | 29. | Instructions to the Ministers of the Interior, of Police, and of Public Works | 18 |
22. | 29. | Intended reforms in judicial matters | 20 |
30. | Aug. 1. | Measures with regard to political prisoners in prison of Santa Maria Apparente | 22 |
31. | 1. | Disappointment of public at late Decrees. | 22 |
32. | 26. | Administration of justice exemplified in case of an Ionian citizen. | 23 |
33. Mr. Elliot | Aug. 30, 1859 | Sketch of provincial organization of Kingdom of Naples | 23 |
34. | Sept 1. | Petition from untried prisoners. Steps taken with reference to | 24 |
85. | 2, | Late Decree respecting “attendibili" imperfectly applied | 26 |
36. | 2. | Is of opinion that Constitution more firmly establishing union with Sicily would be unpopular | 27 |
37. | 2, | Satisfaction of public at dismissal of Intendenti of Avellino | 27 |
38. To Mr. Elliot | 15, | Abuse of power in regard to “attendibili?
and prisoners. Opinion of Her Majesty's Government. | 27 |
39. Mr. Elliot | 26, | M. Carafa’s definition of Revolutionists. | 28 |
40. | 26, | Conversation with, and principles of, M. Carata | 28 |
41. | Oct 1, | Arrest of fourteen persons. General feeling of alarm and irritation | 28 |
42. | 2, | Conversation with the King respecting state of Kingdom | 29 |
43. | 4 | Effect of release of persons lately arrested | 30 |
44. | n, | Considerations respecting late acts of conciliation by Government | 30 |
45. | Nov. 1. | Authenticity of circular nullifying Decree respecting release of attendibili | 31 |
46. | 12. | Circular of Minister of Interior to provincial official | 33 |
47 | 17. | Possibility of organic changes in System of government | 35 |
48. | 18, | Neapolitan Government will not admit interference in her internal affairs in the event of a Congress | 35 |
49. To Mr. Elliot | 28, | | Remarks on circular respecting w attendibili." No intention to interfere in internal affairs of Naples | 36 |
50. Mr. Elliot | Dee. 6,. | Relative to return of Neapolitan exiles | '36 |
51. | 20, | Treatment of political exiles | 37 |
52. | 20, | Arrests in Naples. Reported subscription for arms for Garibaldi | 37 |
53. | 28, | Conversation with M. Carafa and Prince Satriano respecting M. Pandola | 37 |
54. To Mr. Elliot | Jan. 16, 1860 | Policy of Her Majesty’s Government with regard to Naples | 38 |
55. Mr. Elliot | 15, | Treatment of M. Pandola whilst in prison | 38 |
56. | 31, | Inclosing secret circular from Director of Poi ice to Intendenti of Province | 39 |
57. | Feb. 14, | List of persons allowed to return to Naples . | 40 |
58. | 18, | Conversation with M. Carafa on proceedings of clerical party | 41 |
59. | 20, | Conversation with M. Carafa on introduction of changes in the Administration | 42 |
60. | Mar. 2, | Arrests at Naples | 42 |
61. | 3. | Conversation with M. Carafa. Remonstrance against late arrests. Request of an audience with the King | 43 |
62. To Mr. Elliot | 19. | Approving his request for an audience. Proper policy of Neapolitan Government | 44 |
THE question of the renewal of diplomatic relations has been decided by the reception of Prince Carini, and the appointment of a Minister Plenipotentiary to Naples by Her Majesty.
Her Majesty is earnestly desirous that the King of the Two Sicilies may have all the strength which he can derive from the affection and gratitude of his people.
The grant of an amnesty, but above all the removal of the odious surveillance of the police, must be felt by thousands of families as a seasonable and long desired relief.
Her Majesty is sincerely desirous to see the Dynasty now on the Throne maintained and Consolidated.
With regard to internal reforms, should the Prince of Satriano consult you on the subject, you will remind him that the Constitution has never been abrogated, and that the Electoral Colleges may be summoned at any time without a change of the existing law. But you will give no opinion as to the time and the mode of restoring animation to the existing Constitution.
In regard to the amnesty, you will observe that it ought to be large enough to admit the return of Baron Poerio and his companions to their country.
You will make particular inquiries of the Prince of Satriano as to the state of Sicily, and the measures intended for the benefit of the people of that island..
You will take care to avoid every appearance of dictation, but yoo will avow sincerely and openly that Her Majesty takes a deep interest in the welfare of the King and his people.
My Lord,Naples, June 16, 1859.
I TOOK the opportunity, this evening, of pressing upon M. Carafa the urgency of taking immediate measures for the relief of the prisoners at present confined without trial in the various Neapolitan prisons; and I pointed out that it was vain for a Government to hope to inspire respect for the law if it persisted in itself maintaining a direct violation of it.
To my satisfaction, M. Carafa fully admitted the existence of the abuse 1 had alluded to, and the necessity of an immediate change. While he expressed his conviction that most of the prisoners were unworthy of sympathy, he allowed that they had a right to demand either to be brought to trial or to be released.
I have, &c
(Signed) - HENRY ELLIOT.
A CERTAIN though transient feeling of disappointment has been felt by some of the Liberal party at Her Majesty-s Government not having at onoe insisted on the Constitution, but the reasoning and thinking men are fully satisfied that the proper course has been taken. Those whose opinions are of the greatest value believe that neutrality is the trae policy for Naples to adopt, and that this is not the moment to press for the immediate revival of the Constitution; but what they require is a guarantee, if not for the Constitution of 1848, at least for a return to a Constitutional System. In the position in which matters are, the summons of General Filangieri to the King s counsels has been undoubtedly the best step that could for the moment be taken; the effect of it has already been good; and if it is followed by an amnesty, and the destruction of the list of the "attendibili", the effect on the public will be better still.
Mere administrative reforms, however, would not be sufficient permanently to satisfy the just expectations of the Neapolitan people, who see that without some Constitutional guarantee they can have no security against the recurrence of every sort of abuse, but who admit that the present moment may not be the best for organizing new institutions.
I WAS in hopes that the act of amnesty might have been far enough prepared to have enabled me to forward a copy of it to your Lordship by the pocket which took my despatches of the 1 lth instant.
I called again today upon General Filangieri, when he assured me that the metter was now settled, and that the Act will, probably, be published tomorrow, as well as a Decree reinstating the very numerous class known as "attendibili" m all their civil rights, of which they had been deprived while under the surveillance of the police. With regard to the exiles no decision has yet been come to; but the King-s disposition is, he says, to allow them to return on their making an application to him for permission to do so. If this course is taken, their recall will either be real or a mockery according to the wording of the application they are expected to make to the King.
The class for whom I apprehend it will be the most difficult to procure complete relief is that composed of the unfortunate persons who have so long languished in the jails without being brought to trial, although their treatment is more utterly unjustifiable than that of the convicted prisoners, and their number far greater. General Filangieri to|d me, however, today that he was having complete returns made to him of their numbers, the dates of their arrest, and the nature of the accusation against them; but that the police records are in so deplorable a state that it is difficult to get at the truth so as to enable him to apply the proper remedy.
My Lord,Naples, June 11859.
I YESTERDAY informed your Lordship by telegraph of the publication of the Royal Decrees, granting an amnesty to the political offendere of the yeats 1848 and 1849, end announcing the pardon of the persons known here under the name of the "attendibili", who had been subjected to the surveillance of the police; and I have now the honour to forward herewith the copies and translations of the Decrees in question.
Too short a time has as yet elapsed for it to be possible for me to ascertain exactly the effect produced by these first measures of the new Administration; but although it cannot be questioned that they will cause a general satisfaction, I will not withhold my opinion that this feeling will be mingled with a certain amount of disappointment.
The objection which with the greatest truth can be urged against the act of amnesty, is that it is not extended to the persons convicted of political offences committed subsequently to the years 1848 and 1849; but I am not ai present able to say whether those who will thus be excluded form at all a numerous class. Another serious defect is the exclusion from its benefits of those who, like Poerio and Settembrini, were conditionally pardoned by the late King, by the Decree of December last; for, till the publication of the measure, which I can hardly doubt must soon be resolved upon, with regard to their return from exile, they will find themselves in a worse, position than those who some months ago were not considered worthy of the indulgence granted to them. The omission, likewise, of all mention of the persons kept in prison without any trial is ateo unfavorably commented upon, although their position is so peculiar that they could hardly have been included in the same amnesty; but the language which 1 have already reported M. Carafa to have held with regard to them, gives every ground for tfaie hope that they will not be much longer neglected.,
The act which will be hailed by the country with the greatest satisfaction is undoubtedly that which applies to the "'attendibili", but even this has not been received without some hostile comment; forit i$ objected, and with a justice which cannot be called in question, that the pardon granted to these persons implies that they have hitherto been legally guilty, whereas, no law could be quoted to justify the treatment they have received. This objection to the "pardon" now granted, is certainly keenly felt by some of the "attendibili" of the capital, where there are comparatively few of them, and it will no doubt be shared in by some of those in the Provinces; but of the 40,000 or 50,000 persons of whom the class is supposed to be composed, it may, I believe, be safely assumed that by far the greater proportion will learn with unmixed satisfaction that they are released from the detested supervision and disqualifications which they have been subjected to, and that they will not be disposed to find. much fault with the words of a Decree to which they will owe their improved position.
The other Decrees, which are likewise inclosed herewith, relate to the shortening of the terms of punishment of some ordinary offences, and to the redemption by the Government of articles of small value, which had been placed in pawn by the poorer classes.
I have &c
FRANCESCO II, per la grazia di Ilio, Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, di Gerusalemme, &c., Duca di Parma, Piacenza, Castro, &c., &c., Gran Principe Ereditario di Toscana, &c., &c., &c.
Volendo contrassegnare con atti di clemenza il nostro avvenimento al Trono che la Divina Provvidenza ha affidato alle nostre cure, ci siamo determinati di fare sperimentare gli effetti della nostra sovrana indulgenza a' rimanenti condannati ai ferri, alla reclusione, alla relegazione ed alla prigionia per reati di Stato commessi negli anni 1848 e 1849 che non vennero contemplati ne' Decreti di Grazia de' 27 Dicembre, 1858, e 18 Marzo ultimo.
Quindi seguendo gl' impulsi del nostro reale animo,
Abbiamo risoluto di decretare e decretiamo quanto segue:
Articolo 1. E condonata la pena residuale a' condannati a' ferri, alla reclusione, alla relegazione ed alla prigionia per reati politici commessi negli anni 1848 e 1849 non contemplati ne' mentovati Decreti de' 27 Dicembre, 1858, e 18 Marzo, 1&59, secondo i notamenti esistenti nel Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia.
Art. 2. Il nostro Consigliere Ministro Segretario di Stato Presidente del Consiglio de' Ministri, l'AvvocatoGenerale presso la Corte Suprema di Giustizia, destinato provvisoriamente per la referenda e firma della nostra Segreteria di Stato e Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, il Sostituto ProcuratoreGenerale di G. C. Criminale destinato provvisoriamente per la referenda e firma della nostra Segreteria di Stato e Ministero della Polizia Generale, il Direttore della nostra Segreteria di Stato e Ministero de' Lavori Pubblici, sono incaricati della esecuzione del presente Decreto, ciascuno per la parte che lo riguarda.
Capodimonte, 16 Giugno,1859.
(Firmato) FRANCESCO.
Il Consigliere Ministro Segretario di Stato,
Presidente del Consiglio de' Ministri,
(Firmato) Principe di Satriano.
Francesco II, per la grazia di Dio, Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, di Gerusalemme, &c., Duca di Parma, Piacenza, Castro, &c., &c., Gran Principe Ereditario di Toscana, &c., &c., &c.
Volendo contrassegnare con atto di clemenza il nostro avvenimento al Trono del Regno delle Due Sicilie, e prendere in benigna considerazione quei tra i nostri sudditi che per le politiche turbolenze degli anni 1848 e 1849 si trovano compresi nelle Liste degli attendibili;
Abbiamo risoluto di decretare e decretiamo quanto segue:
Articolo I. D'ora innanzi ogni impedimento ? tolto, perch? i cennati attendibili conseguir possano carte itinerarie e fedi per ascendere abradi Dottorali. Come del pari ? permesso ohe i medesimi possano essere scelti a* pubblici uffizi.
Art 2. Il nostro Consigliere di Stato Ministro Segretario di Stato Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, tutt' i nostri Ministri Segretari di Stato, i Direttori con referenda e firma, e gl'incaricati con referenda e firma dei Ministeri di Grazia e Giustizia e della Polizia Generale, sono incaricati della esecuzione del presente Decreto.
Capodimonte, 16 Giugno, 1859.
(Firmato) FRANCESCO.
Il Consigliere, Ministro Segretario di Stato,
Presidente del Consiglio de' Ministri,
(Firmato)Principe di Satriano.
Francesco li, per la grazia di Dio, Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, di Gerusalemme, &c., Duca di Parma, Piacenza, Castro, &c., &c., Gran Principe Ereditario di Toscana, &c., &c., &c.
Veduto il nostro Decreto di questa stessa data;
Volendo che anche i condannati per reati comuni fruissero di un tratto della nostra sovrana clemenza;
Abbiamo risoluto di sanzionare e sanzioniamo il seguente Atto Sovrano:
Articolo 1. Le condanne alla pena di ferri, tanto nei bagni quanto nel presidio; le condanne alla pena della' reclusione e quella della relegazione; ed alle pene correzionali d? prigionia, esilio correzionale e confino, sono diminuite di anni tre.
Art. 2. L'ammenda correzionale ? condonata.
Art. 3. Le condanne alle pene di detenzione, mandato in casa, ed ammenda, stabilite per le semplici contravvenzioni, sono condonate.
Art. 4. Al godimento di questa sovrana indulgenza sono ammessi tutti coloro che trovansi condannati alle pene contemplate ne' precedenti Articoli, con sentenze o decisioni pronunziate sino a tutto il presente giorno.
Se la sentenza o decisione di condanna non sia per anco addivenuta irrevocabile, i condannati saranno nondimeno compresi nelle diminuzioni o condonazioni di pene concedute con questo atto sovrano, quante volte fra il termine di un mese da oggi non dichiarino formalmente innanzi al Magistrato competente, e ne' modi di legge, di preferire nel loro interesse la discussione del prodotto gravame di appello o del ricorso per annullamento.
Art. 5. E abolita l'azione penale per le semplici contravvenzioni retribuite secondo l'Articolo 36 Leggi Penali, e pei delitti punibili per loro natura propria ed originaria, col primo o col secondo grado di prigionia, confino, esilio correzionale, o coll'ammenda correzionale, purch? i fatti sieno avvenuti sino a tutto questo giorno.
Art. 6. Sono esclusi dalla presente sovrana indulgenza gl'imputati ? condannati per furto, per falsit? secondo i diversi casi previsti dal Titolo 5, Libro 2, delle Leggi Penali, per frode semplice o qualificata, per bancarotta semplice o fallimento fraudolento; nonch? i recidivi.
Art. 7. Tutti i nostri Ministri Segretari di Stato, i Direttori delle nostre Segreterie e Ministeri di Stato, l'incaricato del Portafoglio degli Affari Esteri, l'AvvocatoGenerale della Corte Suprema di Giustizia destinato provvisoriamente per la referenda e firma della Nostra Segreteria di Stato e Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, il Sostituto ProcuratoreGenerale di G. C. Criminale destinato provvisoriamente per la referenda e firma della Polizia Generale, ed il nostro Luogotenente Generale in Sicilia, sono incaricati della esecuzione di questo Atto Sovrano, ciascuno per la sua parte.
Capodimonte, 16 Giugno, 18.09. .
(Firmato) FRANCESCO.
Il Consigliere, Ministro Segretario di Stato,
Presidente del Consiglio de' Ministri,
(Firmato)Principe di Satriano.
Francesco II, per la grazia di Dio, Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, di Gerusalemme, &c., Duca di Parma, Piacenza, Castro, &c., &c., Gran Principe Ereditario di Toscana, &c., &c., &c.
Volendo fare sperimentare alla classe bisognosa de' nostri amatissimi sudditi i tratti di nostra sovrana munificenza all'occasione della nostra ascensione al Trono;
Abbiamo risoluto di decretare e decretiamo quanto segue:
Articolo 1. Tutt' i pegni di pannine, telerie, e metalli ignobili sino alla somma di ducati due per ognuno, fatti a tutto il d? 15 del corrente Giugno nella Cassa de* Privati del nostro Real Banco delle Due Sicilie, saranno soddisfatti in sorte ed interessi dalla nostra Real Tesoreria, e rilasciati gratuitamente ai pegnoranti.
Art. 2. Il nostro Direttore del Ministero e Real Segreteria di Stato delle Finanze ? incaricalo della esecuzione del presente Decreto.
Capodimonte, 15 Giugno, 1859.
(Firmato) FRANCESCO.
Il Consigliere, Ministro Segretario di Stato,
Presidente del Consiglio de' Ministri,
(Firmato) Principe di Satriano.
Il Direttore del Ministero e Real Segreteria di Stato delle Finanze,
Comm. Raimondo de Liguoro.
FRANCIS II, by the grace of God, King of the Two Sicilies, &c., &c.
Wishing to mark by acts of clemency our accession to the Throne which Divine Providence has committed to our care, we have decided on trying the effects of extending our sovereign grace to all those still undergoing the respective punishments to which they have been sentenced, viz., of irons, confinement with hard labour, banishment to an island, and imprisonment, for State offences committed in the years 1848 and 1849, and who were not included in the Decrees of Grace of December 27, 1858, and of the 18th of March last.
Following, therefore, our Royal impulse, we have resolved to decree, and decree as follows:
Article 1. All those condemned to irons, confinement with hard labour, banishment to an island, and imprisonment, for political offences committed in the years 1848 and 1849, and who were not comprised in the abovenamed Decrees of December 1858, and March 18, 1859, as inscribed on the lista possessed by the Ministry of Grace and Justice, are released from the remainder of their punishment.
Art. 2. Our President of the Council of Ministers, our Pro visionai Director of the Department of Grace and Justice, &c., &c., are charged with the execution of the present Decree.
Capodimonte, June 16,1859.
(Signed) FRANCIS.
(Signed) Prince of Satriano,
Francis II, &c., &c.
Wishing to mark by an act of clemency our accession to the Throne of the Two Sicilies, and to take into our kind consideration those of our subjects who in consequence of the political troubles of 1848 and 1849, are included in the lists of "attendibili", we have resolved to decree, and decree as follows:-
Article 1. Henceforth, the "attendibili" above mentioned are relieved from all impediments in the way of their obtaining travelling passes, and the credentials necessary to enable them to rise to Doctor s degrees; they aie, moreover, eligible for public offices.
Art. 2. Our President of the Council is charged, &c.
Capodimonte, June 16, 1859.
(Signed) FRANCIS.
(Signed) Prince of Satriano,
Francis II, &c., &c.
With reference to our Decree of this day's date:
Being desirous that those condemned for ordinary offences should partidpate likewise in our sovereign clemency;
We have resolved to sanction, and sanction the following sovereign Act:-
Article 1. The term of punishment is reduced by three years for all those sentenced to irons, whether in bagnes or in garrison, imprisonment with hard labour, transportation to an island, and to the police punishments of confinement in a house of correction, and of banishment within the kingdom.
Art. 2. The fines are remitted.
Art. 3. All those sentenced to short terms of imprisonment, domiciliary arrest, and fine, for misdemeanours, are pardoned.
Art. 4. This sovereign indulgence extends to all those whose sentences to the punishments above enumerated, have been pronounced up to the present date.
In cases where the sentence or verdict should not have been irrevocably determined, the condemned will nevertheless have the benefit of the reduction or remission of punishment, unless within the term of one month they declare before a competent magistrate, and in the legal form, that they prefer, in their own interest, to have the matter of the charge discussed before a Court of Appeal.
Art. 5. Are released from their penalties all those convicted of simple contraventions, punishable according to Article 36 of the Penal Statutes, and for offences which are of their own and primary nature punishable with the two degrees of confinement with labour, with banishment within the kingdom and police banishment, or fine, provided that the offences have been committed before the present date.
Art. 6. Are excluded from the benefits of this act of clemency ?ll accused or convicted of robbery, forgery, according to the cases contemplated by Title 5, Book 2, of the Penal Law, simple or qualified fraud, simple or fraudulent bankruptcy; likewise all those guilty of offences for the second time.
Art. 7. All our Ministers of State, &c., are charged with the execution of the present Decree, as regards the portion of it which concerns each.
Capodimonte, June 16, 1859.
(Signed) FRANCIS.
(Signed) Prince of Satriano,
Francis II, &c., &c.
Wishing the necessitous classes of our most beloved subjects to participate hi our sovereign munificence on the occasion of our accession to the Throne; We have resolved to decree, and decree as follows:-
Article 1. All articles of woollen stuff, and doth, and of ordinary metal, up to the value of two ducats for each person, which have been placed in pawn up to the 15th June instant, in the "Mont de Pi?t?" of our Royal Bank of the Two Sicilies shall be paid for, with interest, by our Royal Treasury, and are to be returned gratis to those who pledged them.
4rt. 2. Our Director of the Ministry of Finance is charged with the execution of the present Decree.
Capodimonte, June 15, 1859.
(Signed) FRANCIS.
(Signed) Prince of Satriano,
Sir,Foreign Office, June 23, 1859.
I HAVE received and laid before the Queen your despatches of the 16th and 17th instant, and I have the satisfaction of conveying to you Her Majesty's gracious approval of your proceedings as reported in those despatches.
With reference to your despatch of the 17th instant, inclosing the Decrees announcing an amnesty to the political offendere of the years 1848 and 1949, and the pardon of the persona subjected to the surveillance of the police, I have to state to you that Her Majesty's Government concur in your observations upon the omissions in those Decrees, and desire that you should urge General Filangieri to extend the terms of the amnesty for political offences so as to include those persons exempted from the operations of the present Decree.
I am, &c.
(Signed) J. RUSSELL.
(Extract.) June 20, 1859.
I HAVE the honour to forward to your Lordship herewith a letter, to ether with its translation, which I have received from some of the unfortunate prisoners confined in the gaol of Sta. Maria Apparente, of whom the total number is forty-eight; sixteen of them being accused of being accomplices of Milano, who attempted the late King's life. Your Lordship will observe that this letter is couched in the most moderate language, and that the petitioners confine themselves to the prayer that they may either be brought to trial or set at liberty.
I considered that I should best advance the interests of these illused people by letting both M. Carafa and Prince Filangieri know that I had received the petition, and by allowing them to fead a copy of the letter to which the signatures were not attached. I regret, however, to have to report that I was rat ab|e to extract anything which will justify me in holding out to the friends of he prisoners the expectation of an immediate release. Both of the Neapolitan Ministero, indeed, at once admitted that the petition was moderate and unexceptionable, and that it asked for nothing more than what the prisoners had a strict legal right to demand; and on my insisting that their detention was a gross violation of the law, they both of them allowed this to be the case.
In most countries an admissions of that nature might be considered nearly equivalent to a determination that justice should be done; but the law has here been so systematically violated and disregarded, that 1 am afraid of being too sanguine.
NOI qui sottoscritti, detenuti politici nel carcere di Santa Maria Apparente, tanto in nome proprio quanto in nome degli altri detenuti incapaci a firmare il presente foglio perch? rinchiusi separatamente, esponiamo a vostra Eccellenza che da oltre a due anni e mezzo ci troviamo carcerati, e pe' primi mesi siamo stati privati di ogni assistenza delle nostre famiglie, senza sapere la causa del nostro arresto arbitrario. Ed essendo venuto a nostra conoscenza che l'Eccellenza vostra ? inviata in missione speciale a Napoli in occasione del fausto avvenimento al trono di Sua Maest? Francesco II (d.g.), ci lusinghiamo che l'Eccellenza vostra voglia prendere a cuore l'infelice posizione di noi disgraziati, e che il Governo di Sua Maest? (d.g.) cedendo alle insistenze del Rappresentante di una nazione eminentemente protettrice della libert? individuale ed amante della legalit?, voglia a restituirci alla pace nostra domestica, o trovando in noi una colpa qualunque a noi ignota voglia concederci un pubblico giudizio dove potessimo far brillare la nostra innocenza.
WE, the Undersigned, political "d?tenus" in the prison of Santa Maria Apparente, as well in our own names as in those of the other prisoners who, owing to their being confined separately, are unable to sign the present paper, make known to your Excellency that we have been for more than two years and ahalf incarcerated, and during the f?rst months of this period deprived of all assistance troni our families, without knowing the cause of our arbitrary arrest; and it having come to our knowledge that your Excellency is sent on a special mission to Naples, upon the occasion of the auspicious accession of His Majesty Francis II (d.g.) to the throne, we fitter ourselves that your Excellency will take to heart the unfortunate position of us unhappy prisoners, and that the Government of His Majesty (d.g.), yielding to the persevering efforts of the Representative of a nation eminently the protector of individual liberty, and attached to legality, will restore us to the peace of our domestic hearths, or if it find in us any guilt, unknown to ourselves, that it will accord us a public trial, where we can bring our innocence to the light of day.
IT is with much satisfaction that I have to announce to your Lordship that General Filangieri has this evening informed me that a Royal Decree, authorizing the return of the whole of the Sicilian exiles is already drawn up, and will be published immediately.
They are to be divided into two categories, the larger of which will comprise the persons allowed to return immediately, and without further process. The persons composing the smaller category, amounting, I think, to eighty nine, will have to announce to the King their desire to return, and will then receive His Majesty's permission to do so.
I inquired particularly of General Filangieri whether it was intended that the request on the part of the exiles was to be accompanied by any confession of their guilt, such as the late King had always wished to extract, and which would render the measure illusory; but bis Excellency indignantly repudiated the supposition, and said that at most there might be a declaration of obedience to the laws, but nothing that any of them need hesitate to say.
I expressed my gratification at learning the nature of the measure he had just announced, but inquired why it was confined to Sicily, and was informed that the only reason for this is, that as the police and criminal records of Palermo are in perfect order, there has been no difficulty in examining the whole list of exiles, whereas those of Naples are in so confused a condition that there it is not yet ascertained who are and who are not exiles; but in order to cairn the public mind, and to show the intentions of the Government, he means in the preamble of the Decree relative to the Sicilian exiles to state that a similar measure is being prepared for those of the Kingdom of Naples.
In reply to my questions relative to the manner in which it would affect the persons conditionally pardoned by the Decrees of December and of March, General Filangieri informed me that the greater part of them would have, in the first instance, to intimate their wish to return, but that the permission would be refused to none.
I HAVE already made your Lordship acquainted with some of the objections which were almost immediately taken to the late Royal Decrees respecting the amnesty and the "attendibili and I regret to have now to report that these objections have been more and more gaining ground till the first feeling of satisfaction which was excited on the appearance of the measures, has given way to an almost universal disappointment at their not being more complete.
I did not conceal from General Filangieri my regret that the amnesty should have been limited to the persons implicated in the events of 1848 and 1849, whom I understood to be few in number, while those imprisoned in the following years are said to be extremely numerous; and I added, that the omission of all mention of the exiles had produced an unfortunate effect. His Excellency said that the persons who would benefit by the amnesty were more numerous than I seemed to imagine, and amounted to about 180; but he admitted that the measure would be incomplete without another, relative to the exiles, which must certainly follow.
I likewise called his attention very particularly to the Decree respecting the "attendibili", according to which also it would appear that it was only those implicated in 1848 and 1849 who were to benefit by it.
From this interpretation of the Decree, General Filangieri expressed the most entire and absolute dissent, and he gave himself the greatest pains to show that it applied to the whole of those who had ever been placed upon the list; and although the wording of the Decree is equivocal, it can certainly be made to bear the construction he puts upon it, and which he declares to have been the one intended by the King.
The explanation which General Filangieri gives is, that previous to 1848 and 1849 the "attendibili" did not exist, but that a list of them was then made which has been constantly added to; and the Decree, which restores to their civil rights all the persons who had been ranked among the "attendibili", created by the events of the above mentioned years, applies to the whole of those who are upon the list.
Nothing, in short, could be more complete or unmistakeable than General Filangieri's assurance that the measure was of the most universal application.
AWARE how extremely important the Constitutional party consider it that there should at once be an intimation of an intention to introduce some popular control into the Government, however slight it might be, I strongly represented to General Filangieri how essential it was that the Government should have some organ by which their views and intentions should be made known to the country, which would then wait patiently while their measures were being matured; but which, without some intimation of progress oh the part of the Government, might become dangerously impatient of what might be only an inevitable delay.
He said he had already taken the matter into his consideration, and meant the views of the Government to be communicated to the public.
I HAVE found many Liberals decidedly of opinion that the Constitution should not at present be pressed upon the Neapolitan Government, though not less convinced than the rest of the necessity of some sort of guarantee that the System of administration pursued during the late reign shall not be permanently persevered in.
During the time I have been at Naples I have heard this remark continually repeated, but without any explanation which appeared to me really satisfactory of the nature of the guarantee which would be considered sufficient to quiet the misgivings of a public which has lost all confidence in the promises or declarations of the Sovereign and public men by whom he is surrounded.
Though not a guarantee for Constitutional Government, there is nothing which would be received with such universal satisfaction as some practical evidence of an intention to put an end to the present absolute rule of the police; and the necessity of this I lose no opportunity of impressing upon General Filangieri, who makes but a feeble denial, when I tell him the police is strong enough to thwart his best intended measures.
Tomorrow morning we shall, I trust, see the Decree authorizing the return of the Sicilian exiles,
As the immediate revival of the Constitution of 1848 seems scarcely desired by any, the establishment of a liberal System of Government would be an affair of time, and I cannot but entertain a serious misgiving whether the patience of the public may not at last give way, if they find that the new reign commences without even affording relief from a police tyranny which might be at once abolished, not onl v without danger, but as the measure the most indispensable for the safety of the Crown and of the Dynasty.
My Lord,Naples, June 27, 1859.
WITH reference to my telegraphic message of yesterday's date, giving the substance of the edict with reference to the exiles, I have now the honour to transmit to your Lordship, in original and translation, the edict itself, as it appeared, in extenso, in the "Gazette" of last Saturday.
I have &c
FRANCESCO II, per la grazia di Dio, Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, di Gerusalemme, &c., Duca di Parma, Piacenza, Castro, &c., &c., Gran Principe Ereditario di Toscana, &c., &c &c.
Volendo in occasione della nostra ascensione al Trono far degni di nostra sovrana indulgenza i nostri sudditi che si trovano allo straniero, per la condotta da essi serbata nei politici sconvolgimenti degli anni 1848 e 1849;
Abbiamo risoluto di decretare e decretiamo quanto segue:-
Articolo 1. E permesso di poter ripatriare ai nostri sudditi emigrati allo straniero qui appresso indicati, cio?;
Paolo Amari, Giuseppe Ainoldi, Giuseppe Ayala, Diego. Arancio, Pietro Alella, Mario Alfisi, Gregorio Arn?, Sacerdote Luigi Basile, Antonio Bruno, Michele Bottari, Pietro Bongiomo, Antonino Bonconsiglio, Antonino Bonaccorsi, Felice Bonaccorsi, Giuseppe Branciforte, ingegniere di Leonforte, Francesco Butano, Francesco Burgio, Vincenzo Buscemi, Girolamo Buscemi, Saverio Bacchi, Giuseppe Bracco, Antonio Callari, Francesco Campo, Achille Campo, Lorenzo Car?, Francesco Paolo Cianciolo, Giovanni Battista Cianciolor Pasquale Colajazzi, Alessandro Ciaccio, Salvatore Calvino, Stanislao Cannizzaro, Saverio Cappello, Giuseppe Barone Corvaja, Camillo Colona, Antonio Chirchiner, Antonio Campanella, Lorenzo Cotti! Marchese di Roccaforte, Ceraulo Antonio Oddo, Vincenzo Cianciolo, Giuseppe Cottone, Vincenzo Cordaro, Luigi Condurelli, Vito Casaramona, Emmanuele Cracampi, Vincenzo Colletti, Filippo Corpora, Pasquale Cardile, Camarda (Parroco Greco), Vito Barone d'Ondes, Giovanni del Castillo, Domenica Denaro, Gaetano di Pasquale, Girolamo di Stefano, Giuseppe di Stefano, Francesco de Caro sacerdote, Viucenzo Malta, Rosario d'Angelo, Nicola de Palma, Vincenzo Errante, Carlo Falconieri, Giuseppe Fiorenza sacerdote, Francesco Ferrara, Giovanni Battista Fontana, Rocco Frazzetto, Pietro Femandez, Giuseppe Fontanino, Antonio Forno, Salvatore Fumari, Mariano Fiorentini, Giovanni Gentile, Pietro Guccione, Giuseppe Giunta, Salvatore Giunta, Domenico Gagliani, Salvatore Giacoma, Francesco Germano, Michele Giuffrida, Giuseppe Guasta, Cavalier Giuseppe Gravina, Giovanni Giaimo, Giuseppe Giaimo, Marcantonio Lomonaco, Raffaele Lanza, Sebastiano Leila, Tommaso Landi Carmelo Lentini, Gabriele Langillotto Castelli Principe di Torremuzza, Antonio Lanzetta, Salvatore la Rosa, Pietro Landi, Francesco Laquidara, Pasquale Mastricchi, Lorenzo Mastricchi, Paolo Morello, Luigi Meli, Giorgio Miloro, Giuseppe Am?, Ferdinando Monroy Principe di S. Giuseppe, Tommaso Conte Manzoni, Giuseppe Natoli, Federico Napoli, Rocco Piccolo, Giuseppe Patem? Spedalotto, Domenico Piraino, Giovanni Battista Platania, Giuseppe Passalacqua, Michele Rutigliano, Antonio Riccobono, Carlo Stabile, Giacinto Scelzi, Francesco Sanmartino Principe di Pardo, Giacomo Saccaro, Gaspare Spadaro, Gaetano Sorito, Gaetano Scalia, Alfonso Scalia, Pasquale Sozzi, Michele Siciliano, Gaetano Scuderi, Francesco Scolaro, Giuseppe Stussi, Emmanuele Tuccari, Giuseppe Teripotti, Cavalier Francesco Trigona, Francesco Terrasona, Paolo Terranova, Carlo Ventimiglia Principe di Grammonte, Abramo Fragal? Vasta, Stefano Vacca, Benedetto Zuccarello, Vincenzo Zuccaro, Francesco Veneti, Gerardo Bonomo, Giacomo Candioto, Achille Varvesi, Giuseppe Gaetano Cianciolo, Antonino Mastricchi.
Art. 2. Ci riserbiamo pertanto di provvedere per gli altri nostri sudditi emigrati allo straniero, non compresi in questo nostro Atto Sovrano, che faranno a noi pervenire le loro suppliche, e che prometteranno di vivere all'ombra delle nostre leggi, come ad ogni onesto suddito si conviene.
Art. 3. Il nostro Consigliere Ministro Segretario di Stato Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, il nostro Luogotenente Generale in Sicilia, il nostro Ministro Segretario di Stato per gli Affari di Sicilia presso la nostra Real persona, lo Incaricato del Portafoglio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, e lo Incaricato provvisoriamente della referenda e firma del Ministero della Polizia Generale, sono incaricati della esecuzione del presente Decreto, ciascuno per la parte che gli concerne.
Capodimonte, 16 Giugno, 1859.
(Firmato) FRANCESCO,
Il Consigliere, Ministro Segretario di Stato,
Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri,
(Firmato)Principi: di Satriano.
FRANCIS II, by the grace of God King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, &c., &c.
Being desirous upon the occasion of our accession to the Throne to make those of our subjects participate in our sovereign indulgence, who, in consequence of the conduct followed by them during the disorders <rf 1848 and 1849, find themselves in foreign parts;
We have resolved to decree, and do decree as follows:-
Article 1. Permission to return to their country is granted to our subjects, exiles in foreign parts, whose names are herewith annexed:
[Follow 137 names of exiles.]
Art. 2. We,however, reserve to ourselves to provide for tbose others of our subjects, exiles in foreign parts, and not comprised in this sovereign act of ours, who shall send in their petitions to us, and who shall promise to live within the shadow of our laws, as for every honest subject is meet and r?ght.
Art. 3. Our Councillor, Minister Secretary of State, President of the Council of Ministers, our LieutenantGeneral in Sicily, our Minister Secretary of State l'or the Affairs of Sicily, near our Royal Person; the Charg? du Portefeuille of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the provisionai Administrator of the Ministry of General Police, are severally charged with the execution of the present Deeree, as each is for his part concerned therein.
Capodimonte, June 16, 1859.
(Signed) FRANCIS.
(Signed) Peince of Sateiano,
Councillor, Minister Secretary of State,
President of the Council of Ministers.
My Lord,Naples, June 28, 1859
I HAVE much pleasure in informing your Lordship that the whole of the persona arrested for taking part in the demonstration which took place about a fortnight ago, have been set at liberty.
A very favourable impression has been produced by this measure, and, although by those who are unwilling to give the Government any credit ev?n for their best acts, it may be represented as a consequence of the success of the allied armies. in Lombardy, it is but fair to recollect that Prince Satriano had from the first intimated to me his belief that the Royal clemency would be extended to these persons.
I have, &c.
YOU will press strongly on the Principal Minister of the Crown the necessity of abolishing, as soon as possible, the despotism of the police.
Men may differ about the merits of Representative Constitutions,and the form and time in which they should be put in force; but there can be no difference of opinion among enlightened men about the necessity of a due, impartial, and speedy administration of justice..
To keep men in prison without trial; to place them under a zealous and suspicious police, thus embarrassing all their actions, even the most innocent- is contrary to every principle of justice: it is also a violation of the Code by which the Neapolitan Government professes to be guided.
It was the open, systematic, and continued violation of justice, which induced Her Majesty's Government to suspend friendly relations with Naples.
Perhaps the best course would be to summon a Representative Assembly, and frame, with their assistance, laws by which arbitrary govemment may be checked. But, at all events, some steps in favour of liberal institutions are absolutely required, in order to prevent an outburst of discontent, which can only be suppressed by military force.
You will guide your conduct by the language of this despatch.
YOUR Lordship's despatch of the 22nd June was delivered to me on the 27th by Messre. Johnson, and I shall not fail to guide my conduct by the instructions it contains.
With regard to the Constitution, I shall carefully follow the line prescribed by your Lordship, by abstaining, as I have hitherto done, from expressing any opinion as to the necessity for its immediate revival; but I feel assured that I have not gone beyond your wishes by avowing to the Neapolitan Ministers the conviction that a return to a constitutional form of government will be the most effectual, and perhaps the only, mode of giving real stability to the Throne.
Though my language has been hitherto of this vague nature, your Lordship will, perhaps, allow me to express the belief that the time is fast approaching when the interest of the Neapolitan Kingdom and of the Dynasty now occupying the Throne will make it advisable that the opinion of Her Majesty's Government should be more clearly stated, and their influence more decidedly felt.
The desire for a Constitution is daily increasing, and converts to the cause are being gained from the highest quarters; not the converts of conviction, but those of fear, who, without love for free institutions, see in them the sole escape from other dangers: but any influence which they may possess is paralyzed by that of the Camarilla, who, as I have before stated, teach the King that he may rely on the support of Great Britain.
The warnings which I may give of the falseness and danger of this calculation can produce but little effect compared to that which might be made by a formal declaration on the part of Her Majesty's Government that, notwithstanding their desire to see the present Dynasty maintained upon the Throne, neither their material nor moral support is to be looked for, if, by a continued denial of an improved form of government, the people is driven to expel it
An assurance of this nature, coupled with a promise of a hearty moral support to the Dynasty, in the event of fair liberal institutions being honestly granted by the King, would undoubtedly have great effect upon the Court; and, without inconveniently compromising Her Majesty's Government, or even giving an appearance of interference in the internal affairs of Naples, it would, I believe, at the same time, satisfy the wishes of the large moderate constitutional party.
My Lord,July 2, 1859.
ON finding that General Filangieri was sending in his resignation, I did not think it desirable to dwell at any length upon the incompleteness of the late acts ?of amnesty, but 1 informed him of your Lordship's opinion that it should be so extended as to include Baron Poerio and his companions.
The General replied that the list hitherto published of the exiles who might immediately and unconditional return. to their country comprised none but Sicilians, and that it would be a "crying injustice" if a similar list was not issued for Neapolitans.
At all events, he said, the second dame of the edict, which States that the exiles not mentioned in the list might obtain the King's permission to return by applying for it, must be taken to include those of whom I had spoken. There were, however, he repeated, hundreds of Neapolitans who ought to receive the unconditional permission to return.
I have, &c.
I WAS this morning received by the King in an audience at which l had the honour to put into his hands, with suitable expressions in Her Majesty's name, the Queen's reply to the letter in which His Majesty had announced the death of King Ferdinand, and his own accession to the throne.
I took the opportunity of telling the King that, since I had last had the honour of seeing him, 1 had received your Lordship's despatches, which contained assurances of the interest and goodwill of Her Majesty's present Government towards him, no less lively than those which I had before been instructed by the Earl of Malmesbury to express; but I added that Her Majesty's Government feel strongly that the trac, and probably only, support upon which His Majesty ought to rely is to be found in the affection and gratitude of his own subjects.
The King replied that he would be glad to do what he could.
Sir,Office, July 7, 1859.
HER Majesty's Government concur in the opinion which you express in your despatch of the 1st instant, of the importance of the King of the Two Sicilies deciding at once to adopt a liberal System of internal policy, as the only chance of averting a political convulsion, and of maintaining himself and his Dynasty on the Throne.
It seems hardly credible that either His Majesty, or any of the counsellors by whom he is surrounded, should shut their eyes to the perils of the present moment, or expect that when the rest of Italy is agitated by hopes of liberty and improvement in its social position, Naples alone should remain uninfluenced by the generai movement.
The King may now with a good grace enter upon a new System of government. He can do so now without exposing himself to any imputation of inconsistency, and a less measure of alleviation would be accepted with gratitude by his subjects if spontaneously granted now, than if it were hereafter extorted by revolutionary violence.
It may suit the purposes of those who have thriven on the past abuses, to encourage the King to follow in his father's footsteps, for a change of System would probably lead to their ruin; but it appears to Her Majesty's Government that the King has now to choose between the rain of his evil counsellors and his own: if he supporta and upholds them, and places himself under their guidance, it requires not much foresight to predict that the Bourbon Dynasty will cease to reign at Naples, by whatever combination, Regai or Republican, it may( be replaced.
Her Majesty's Government fully admit that it is not desirable that any Government should be hasty or intrusive in giving advice regarding domestic changes in another country; but when the Throne of an ally may be endangered, it becomes the duty of a friendly Power to say that, notwithstanding its desire to see the present Dynasty maintained on the Throne of Naples, neither the moral nor the material support of England is to be looked for by the King, if, by a continual denial of justice, and the refusal of an improved form of internal administration, the Neapolitan people should be driven into insurrection, and should succeed in expelling the present Dynasty from the Throne.
It would surely add to the stability of the King's Throne, both at home and abroad, if it were known that the sympathies of the British Government were enlisted in his favour; while, on the other hand, the mere fact of a policy being persevered in by His Majesty, which must notoriously alienate those sympathies from him, is of itself the strongest encouragement to perseverance which can be held out to persons honestly seeking, but determined to obtain at all hazards, an improvement in the internai administration of the Neapolitan territories.
I am, &c.
(Signed) J. RUSSELL.
YOU may assure General Filangieri that, in the opinion of Her Majesty's Government, there is no chance of safety for the King and his Dynasty but in the convocation of a Representative Assembly.
Sir,Foreign , July 8, 1859.
WITH reference to your despatch of the 2nd instant, I have to state to you that Her Majesty's Government approve of your having informed Prince Satriano that the Neapolitan act of amnesty should be so extended as to include Baron Poerio and his companions.
I am, &c.
(Signed) J. RUSSELL.
(Extract.) Foreign , July 9, 1859.
THE Queen having been gracieusly pleased to appoint you to be Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Naples, I transmit to you letters which Her Majesty has addressed to the King and Queen of the Two Sicilies, accrediting you in that character; and Larn to desire that you will deliver the same in the usuai form.
Copies of your letters of credence are likewise inclosed.
IN obedience to the instructions contained in your Lordship's despatch of the 7th instant, I have informed General Filangieri of the opinion of Her Majesty's Government, that the only chance of safety for the King and his Dynasty lay in the convocation of a Representative Assembly.
I HAVE communicated to Prince Satriaoo and to M. Carafa the substance of your Lordship's despatch of the 6th instant, informine them at the same time that this was not a commun?cation I was instructed to make to them, but a despatch for my own guidance with which I wished to make them acquainted, as showing the views and opinions of Her Majesty's Government, about which I was anxious there should not be any mistake, although there was no desire to obtrude officiously in* * the internai affairs of the country.
When I stated that in the opinion of Her Majesty's Government some steps at least in favour of liberal institutions are absolutely required to prevent an outburst of discontent, General Filangieri assured me he was aware of the necessity, and that if it had not been for the disturbance amongst the Swiss, more progress in that direction would already have*been made than people probably expected.
I READ to General Filangieri, almost in your Lordship's despatch of the 7th instant.
He listened to it with extreme attention, and appeared fully to recognize the friendly interest shown by Her Majesty's Government.
His wish to stand well with England cannot be called into question; and he is quite aware that the sympathy and goodwill of the British Government must constitute a strong element of stability to the Throne. By being now warned that, notwithstanding the desire of Her Majesty's Government to see the present ,Dynasty maintained on the Throne of Naples, neither the moral nor material support of England is to be looked for by the King if his people are driven into insurrection by a continued denial of justice, General Filangieri is furnished with a powerful weapon against those who oppose his attempts to carry out those measures which alone can secure the sympathy of Her Majesty's Government.
THE leaders of the Liberal party should be told that Her Majesty's Government cannot encourage them in any course which might bring down upon them the resentment of their Government. In such case Her Majesty's Government could not interfere to protect them, and must therefore be cautious in giving them any advice.
It appears, however, to Her Majesty's Government, that the persons in question ought not to present any petition, or take any step which might be, or which might be considered, illegal. The wish of Her Majesty's Government is to see the Neapolitan Dynasty supported on the basis of liberal institutions, and we shall not fail to speak in that sense to the Minister who may be appointed to represent the King of the Two Sicilies at the Court of Her Majesty.
My Lord,July 24, 1859.
IT would be difficult to give your Lordship a stronger proof of the entire absence of the sense of individual security which prevails here than by repeating the fact mentioned to me by Prince Satriano,-that though the whole of the Sicilians exiles have been offered permission to return to their country, not one of them has as vet chosen to avail himself of it.
While, on one side, this fact is pointed to as evidence that these persons were not deserving of the Royal clemency. I endeavour, on the other, to show it to be the inevitable consequences of the despotism of the police, which would prevent any returning exiles from feeling any security against arbitrary arrest or imprisonment.
I have, &c.
My Lord,Naples, July 1859.
IT has been known for the last ten days that the King has been almost constantly engaged in business with Prince Satriano; and I learned from the latter yesterday, that bis object is to obtain His Majesty's consent to the development or reorganization of the Provincial Councils.
I remarked to Prince Satriano, that though a measure such as that he bad mentioned might be made very beneficiai, it could scarcely be expected of itself to prove sufficient to satisfy the exigencies of the country; that on all sides I hear the remark, which he himself has more than once made to me,-that it is not so much the badness of the laws which is complained of, as the badness of the administration of them; and that as far as 1 could judge a conviction was becoming prevalent that some kind of Constitutional Government would offer the only security against the existing maladministration.
Prince Satriano combated the idea of a Constitutional form of government more than he has latterly seemed inclined to do; and he dwelt especially on the difficulties it would create with respect to Sicily, which he assured me would undoubtedly take the opportunity of asserting its independence.
I inquired what was meant by independence,-whether it was an independent Administration, or a total separation from the Neapolitan Crown; andon the Prince saying that he meant the latter, I remarked, that the true way to avoid such a demand was to give the Sicilians a form of government which would produce contentment and satisfaction in the Island.
Though I much regret to find that Prince Satriano has not yet become a convert to the policy of proposing a Constitutional form of government, it is but fair to state that there are here many thinking men who consider the development of the Provincial Councils to offer the safest way of arriving at that result: and if it is carried out on a liberal scale, it would unquestionably prove a boon of no trifling magnitude when accompanied, as it must be, by extensive changes among the Government officials in the Provinces, who are identified with the present System.
My Lord - Naples, July 29, 1859.
I HAVE the honour to inclose herewith, in copy and translation, an instruction addressed by Prince Satriano, as President of the Council, to the Ministers of the Interior, of Police, and of Public Works.
The two first paragraphs are of no political importance, and relate to measures to be taken for the cleaning of the streets of Naples, the necessity for which no one who has visited this capitai is likely to call in question.
The following paragraph directs, that in every province in the Kingdom the Secretary General or a substitute is to visit each commune and report upon the working of the Law of December 12, 1816, and the manner in which public Works had been commenced and carried out. The propositions of the last session of the Provincia! Councils are to be examined, and the great maxim is to be adhered to, that the simple assent of the Government to the proposals of the Councils is sufficiente but that their veto must be justified by reason, by necessity, and the demands of the public authority.
The last paragraph relates to the purifying of the prisons, which are to be made light, healthy, and dean.
I have &c
Prince Satriano to the Neapolitan Ministers of the Interior,
of Police and of Public Works.
Signor Direttore,Real Palazzo, 24 Luglio, 1859?
DIETRO quanto mi feci a proporre nel Consiglio dei Ministri, in ordine alle opere da farsi per conto della citt? di Napoli, ho rassegnato analoga relazione a Sua Maest? il Re nostro Signore, il quale sempre intento al bene ed al vantaggio dei suoi amatissimi sudditi, si ? degnato nell' alta sua sapienza approvare quanto segue:-
1.I Direttori de' Reali Ministeri dello Interno e della Polizia Generale debbonsi mettere di concerto per provvedere efficacemente alla nettezza di questa bella citt?, evitando particolarmente fra le tante sconcezze quella inondazione serotina presso il Real Teatro S. Carlo, ponendo in siti opportuni delle vasche da pulirsi ogni mattina, e se occorra, pi? volte al giorno.
2.Parimente vuole il Re nostro Signore che si pensi a rendere decente l'ultimo tratto di Mergellina dopo il largo dello sbarcatojo sino al principio dello stradone di Posilipo, ed evitarsi lungo lo stesso che nelle ore della passeggiata si pongano ad asciugar cenci, rimanendo a tale uopo il resto della giornata a disposizione di quelle povere donne.
3.Debbonsi destinare in ogni provincia il Segretario Generale, o in sua vece un Consigliere d'intendenza, scegliendo per tale missione funzionarii i quali per esperienza, per intemerata probit?, per profonde cognizioni amministrative, e per fermezza di carattere godano maggiormente la stima de' loro superiori e la pubblica opinione.
A costoro verr? commesso di visitare ciascun Comune affin di esaminare se vi si adempiano le prescrizioni della Legge de' 12 Dicembre, 1816, se siensi eseguite le opere pubbliche a seconda de' progetti approvati, ed in qual modo siensi queste iniziate, continuate o menate a Compimento, e ci? tanto sotto il rapporto arti stico, quanto sotto quello amministrativo.
4.I detti visitatori, pria di lasciare un Comune, compilar debbono un ragionato e particolareggiato rapporto ripartito in diversi Articoli per maggior chiarezza, ed in questo esporranno quanto avran veduto e verificato, e muniranno ogni Articolo di loro speciale proposizione poich? accanto al male, agli abusi, alle contravvenzioni, ? d'uopo proporre i rimedi.
Di siffati rapporti compilati in doppio, una copia verr? spedita al Ministero, e l'altra al proprio Intendente, pe' solleciti di costui provvedimenti nella sfera delle sue attribuzioni. Il Ministero poi, con apposite ed elaborate istruzioni dar? le norme necessarie affinch? queste visite producano il maggior bene possibile.
5.Inoltre ella, Signor Direttore, si occuper? alacremente dello esame
accurato delle proposizioni de' Consigli Provinciali nell'ultima loro sessione di Maggio corrente anno, affin di provare con fatte alle province, che il Re caldamente s'interessa a ponderare i loro voti, ad accoglier senza indugio quelli che possono tostamente mandarsi ad effetto in proporzione della capienza de' fondi, esaminando pure con cura le cose di cui per momentanea mancanza di risorse la esecuzione va protratta, e ci? per trovarsi tutto pronto, allorch? riuniti i mezzi pecuniari possan le opere differite menarsi a compimento.
Tutto ci? in conferma della gran massima, che i Governi debbono consentire subito quel che ? loro lecito di accordare, poich? il "si" ? bello per se stesso, mentre il "no" dev'essere giustificato dalla ragione, dalla necessit?, dalla pubblica autorit?.
6.Da ultimo, Signor Direttore, le ricordo, e sar? ella convinta quanto il sono io, che le prigioni non debbono esser luride, non malsane, ed ? quindi necessario che in questa capitale, ne' capiluoghi di Provincia, di Distretto, di Circondario dalle autorit? competenti si provveda subito a farne restaurare gl'intonachi ed i tavolati per giacere, ed imbiancarne le pareti con doppia e triplice mano di latte di calce, mescolandovi, se si possa, del cloruro; ed alla buona condizione de' cessi ordinariamente trascurati.
Piacciale, Signor Direttore, curar lo adempimento di siffatte Sovrane disposizioni per quanto la riguarda, avendo gi? fatto le analoghe comunicazioni agli altri Dicasteri, cui in parte le cennate disposizioni possono concernere.
Il Consigliere, Ministro Segretario di Stato,
Presidente del Consiglio de' Ministri,
Signor Director,Royal Palace, July 24, 1859.
IN accordance with my proposition made at the Council of Ministers, with regard to the works to be executed at the expense of the city of Naples, I submitted a corresponding report to His Majesty the King, who, ever intent upon the welfare and advantage of his truly beloved subjects, has been pleased, in his profound wisdom, to approve the following:-
1.The Directors of the Royal Ministerial Departments of the Interior and General Police will concert together, in order to provide efficiently for the cleanliness of this beautiful city, taking care, among the many nuisances, to suppress particularly the evening inundation in the vicinity of the Royal Theatre of San Carlo, by placing tubs in convenient sites which may be cleansed every morning, and, if required, several times a day.
2.In like manner, His Majesty desires that measures should be taken to render decent the furthermost part of the Mergellina from the Square of the Landing place to the commencement of the Posilipo Road, and to prevent, during the hours of the promenade, dirty linen and rags from being suspended there to dry; but allowing the poor women the other hours of the day for that purpose.
3.The Secretary General, or, in his stead, a Councillor of Intendenza, shall be commissioned to visit in every province; functionaries to be chosen for such mission, who, from their experience, incorruptible probity, superior administrative knowledge, and firmness of character, enjoy more particularly the esteem of their superiore and the good opinion of the public.
To these shall be committed the charge of visiting every commune, in order to ascertain whether the prescriptions of the Law of the 12th December, 1816, are acted up to; whether the public works are executed according to the plana officially approved, and in what manner they have been undertaken, continued, and completed, in relation to workmanship as well as management.
4.The said Visitors, previous to quitting a commune, will draw up a report with remarks and details, divided, for greater perspicuity, into heads, and therein will state the result of what they have seen and ascertained, accompanying each head with their own proposal on the subject; because it is proper that, by the side of the evil, abuse, or contravention, the proposed remedy should appear.
Of these reports, drawn up in duplicate, one copy is to be transmitted to the Ministerial Department, and the other to the Intendente of the Province, so as to enable him to press the matter within the sphere of his own powers. The Ministerial Department, on its part, virili, by means of appropriate and elaborate instructions, take the necessary measures for rendering these visits produttive of the greatest possible good.
5.Furthermore, Signor Director, vow will diligently apply yourself to the careful examination of the propositions of the Provincial Councils, which were presented in their last meeting of May of the present year, in order to prove to the provinces, by facts, that the King takes a warm interest in the consideration of their wishes, in accepting, without delay, those which can speedily be put into execution, with the funds that exist, and in examining also, with care, those whose completion may be delay ed, l'or the time, by want of means; so that everything may be ready so soon as the funds are collected to terminate the suspended Works.
All this is in confirmation of the great maxim, that Governments should assent, without delay, to whatever it is fitting they should grant; for an affirmative reply is good of itself, whereas a negative should be proved expedient by motives of reason, necessity, and the claims of public authority.
6.Lastly, Signor Director, I beg to remind you, and you will be equally convinced with myself that prisons ought not to be squalid or unwholesome, and, consequently, that in those of the capital, of the principal provincial towns, districts, and communes, the competent authorities should forthwith proceed to repair the plaster and the bedsteads, as well as lo whitewash the walls, with a double, or even treble, coat of lime, mixing with the lime, if possible, a certain ports on of chloride, and see to the good condition of the cesspools, which are in general overlooked.
You will be pleased, Signor Director, to see to the execution of the above Sovereign orders in as far as they regard yourself, having al ready trade the corresponding Communications to the other Departments whom in part they may concern
The President of the Counci],
(Signed) SATRIANO.
My Lord,Naples, July 29, 1859.
YOUR Lordship is aware that the corruption of the Judges and the Constant perversion of justice has been one of the chief causes of the discontent prevailing in the Neapolitan dominions, and will learn with satisfaction that the Government have taken the matter into their serious consideration.
I have the honour to inclose in copy and translation, an instruction from Prince Satriano to the Minister of Justice, directing a searching inquiry and report to be made upon the manner in which every judicial officer has fulfilled the duties of liis office, with a view to the suspension or dismissal of such of them as shall be found undeserving.
The necessity is likewise recognised of giving a fair remuneration to the Judges, who should not be subjected to the alternative of having either to_ struggle against poverty or to accept bribes..
I have, &c.
Napoli, 24 Luglio, 1859.
DIETRO quanto mi feci a proporre nel .Consiglio dei Ministri in ordine alla vigilanza da portarsi sui Giudici Regi, ho rassegnato analoga relazione a Sua Maest? il Re nostro Signore, il quale sempre intento al bene dei suoi amatissimi sudditi, si ? degnato nell'alta sua sapienza approvare quanto segue:
In ciascuna provincia il Sostituto ProcuratoreGenerale del Re, ovvero un Giudice da prescegliersi sia nelle Gran Corti Civili, sia in quelle Criminali, dando la preferenza ai pi? solerti, ai pi? fermi, ai pi? probi, si rechi senza indugio Del capoluogo di ciascun Circondario per prendere esatto conto del modo come i Regi Giudici adempiono i doveri del loro uffizio, come lo adempiono i Cancellieri, e come son tenute le Cancellerie Circondariali. Che questi Magistrati, pria di abbandonare il capoluogo che avran visitato, debbano redigere un particolareggiato rapporto, nel quale riferiranno le cose viste e verificate sopra luogo, facendo le proposizioni che crederanno pi? acconce per ovviare agl'inconvenienti da essi ravvisati.
Che siffatti rapporti esser possono divisi in modo da sceverare da essi la parte da' Magistrati Visitatori creduta degna di esser soltanto e riservatamente recata a cognizione del Ministero; e ci? perch? avrassi forse talvolta a proporre la immediata destituzione o pure la sospensione a tempo indeterminato e senza emolumento di qualche Giudice o Cancelliere. La probit? in tali funzionarii che sono pi? immediatamente in contatto coi popoli, ? essenziale pel benessere di questi; il che mena alla conseguenza di dovere retribuire tali Magistrati in modo da soddisfare almeno ai primi bisogni della vita.
Su questo importante oggetto ella, Signor Direttore, si compiacer? prendere gli ordini del Re per umiliargli apposita e ben ponderata proposizione.
La Maest? Sua nell'alto suo senno ha sentito la necessit? di non mettere in Giudici Circondariali giornalmente nel duro bivio di combattere con la miseria, o di tradire il primo dei loro doveri, quello cio? di non mai mettere a prezzo la giustizia.
Questi rapporti verranno riservatamente diretti al Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, il quale provocher? su di essi le Sovrane risoluzioni per la parte che oltrepassa le Ministeriali attribuzioni.
Le piaccia quindi curar l'adempimento di tali Sovrane prescrizioni, e manifestarmi cosa crede doversi assegnare ai mentovati Magistrati Visitatori per provvedere alla spesa da essi, faccenda in questo loro giro affin di provocare in proposito i Sovrani provvedimenti.
Il Consigliere, Ministro Segretario di Stato,
Presidente del Consiglio de' Ministri,
Naples, July 24, 1859.
IN accordance with. what I proposed in the Council of Ministers respecting the superintendence to be observed over the Royal Judges, I have submitted a similar pian to His Majesty the King our Master, who, being always mindful of the good of his truly beloved subjects, has been pleased, in his great wisdom, to approve as follows:-
In every province the Deputy Procurator General of the King, or a Judge to be chosen either in the High Civil or Criminal Courts, the preference being given to those most noted for diligence, firmness, and probity, shall proceed without delay to the chief town of each district to take an exact account of the manner in which the Royal Judges and Chancellors discharge the duties of their offices, and how the District Chanceries are maintained. These Magistrates, before leaving the town they visit, must draw up a detailed report. in which they will describe all that they have seen and ascertained on the spot, making such propositions as they consider most fitting to remedy the evils seen by them.
These R?ports may be divided so as to separate from them that portion considered by the Visiting Magistrate worthy of being brought under the notice of the Ministry solely and privately; and this because, perhaps, the immediate dismissal or suspension, without pay, of some Judge or Chancellor may sometimes be proposed.
Probity in those functionaries who are brought into more immediate contact with the people is essential to the welfare of the latter; from which it follows that such Magistrates ought to he paid, at ieast in a manner sufficient to provide for the simple necessaries of life.
With this important object, you, Mr. Director, will be pleased to receive the orders of the King, in order to submit to him some apposite and we considered proposition.
His Majesty, in bis profound wisdom, has felt the necessity of not subjecting the District Judges daily to the hard alternative of struggling against poverty, or of betraying the first of their duties, namely, that of never setting a price on justice.
These Reports will be directed confidentially to the Minister of Grace and Justice, who will ask for the Royal decision on any part that exceeds the Ministerial powers.
Be pleased to see that these Royal Ordinances be carried out, and to inform me what you think ought to be allowed the said Visiting Magistrates to provide foj: the expenses likely to be incurred by them in their visits, in order that 1 may ask for the Royal decision on the subject.
The Minister Secretary of State, &c.
I HA VE the honour to announce that the Government have at last taken the case of the untried prisoners confined for nearly three years in the prison of Santa Maria Apparente into consideration, but have decided upon one of those half measures of justice which appear so peculiarly to their taste.
Of the forty-eight persons confined in that prison, thirty-two have been removed to the Island of Capri, and there set at liberty, with an allowance from the Government, as I am told, of about 4 a day.
The remaining sixteen are accused of being accomplices with Milano in bis attempt on the late King's life, and Prince Satriano tells me he expects the order for their being brought to trial to be decided on without delay. He adds, likewise, that the detention in Capri of those who had been liberated will not be prolonged, but that they will be allowed to return by twos and threes at a time.
I told Prince Satriano I could not congratulate him on the measure that had been adopted, which although it was a great alleviation in the sufferings of the un fortunate prisoners, was a fresh departure from the principle of legality on the part of the Government; for that their confinement without trial had been one violation of the law, and their transportation to Capri was a second.
The Prince replied that, if they had all been set entirely at liberty at once, it would probably have led to excitement and fresh arrest; and it is to avoid this evil that they are to be filtered through Capri, where, I understand, their families are allowed to be with them.
The scant and tardy measure of justice now meted out to these ill treated persons is, I am convinced, in great part due to the representations of the effect produced upon Her Majesty's Government by the knowledge of their prolonged illegal imprisonment.
My Lord,Naples, August 1, 1859.
THE effect produced on the public by the instruction of Prince Saziano, inclosed in my despatch of the 29th ultimo, relative to the working of the Provincial Councils is, as far as I am able to judge, one of profound disappointment.
It had been confidently expected, even by those who did not look far any great constitutional measure, that Prince Satriano was about to propose a very considerable development and extension of the Law of December 1816, and the disappointment is, therefore, general, that he should have done little more than direct an inquiry into its present working.
It is probable that the merit of what is now proposed by the Government may be und?rrated by those who were in expectation of a much larger measure than the present, which certainly did not derive any additional appearance of importance from the manner in which the suggestions with regard to the Provincial Councils were inserted in the instruction, being preceded by Articles directing the cleaning of the streets of Naples, and followed by others, ordering the ventilation and whitewashing of the prisons.
I have, &c.
My Lord , Naples August 26, 1859.
A SHORT time ago it was reported to me that an Ionian Citizen, who had been sentenced for forgerv to ten years' imprisonment, was kept in confinement, notwithstanding the expiration of bis sentence; and having immediately called M. Carafa's attention to the matter, requesting that the man might be set at liberty, I was informed by his Excellency two days ago that this had been done.
In conversation with Pl?nce Satriano, I alluded to this case as an instance of the manner in which justice is administered in this country; when, to my astonishment, he explained that no criminal gets his discharge after the expiration of a sentence, unless the police declare that this can be done without danger to the public.
This law or regulation leaves it to the discretion of the police to prolong indefinitely the sentence of any condemned criminal, and is not a bad exemplification of the absolute power which it enjoys.
My Lord,Naples, August 30, 1859.
I HAVE, on various occasions, mentioned to your Lordship that the provincial organization of the Kingdom of Naples is considered by many of the most competent judges to be capable, with some development, of becoming a System which would insure to the country a fair amount of, at least, local self-government; and your Lordship may not be unwilling that I should endeavour to convey to you a sketch of what that organization at present is.
The Kingdom is divided into provinces, districts, advertisements, and communes.
At the head of each province is a Prefect ("Intendente"), named by the King, with purely administrative functions. He has no military command; but makes regulations for the execution of the laws, and superintends the administration of the province; though his powers are much curtailed by being obliged to refer constantly to the Government, and to await their order. He is assisted by a Prefectural Council ("Consiglio d'intendenza"), composed of from three to five members, likewise named by the King, whose opinions he is obliged, in most instances, to consult.
There is also in each province a Provincial CounciI, consisting of from fifteen to twenty members, chosen as I shall afterwards describe, which meets every year for twenty days: its duty being to examine the budget of the province; to apportion their share of the direct taxes among the districts; ' to settle the public works; and, finally, to examine into the conduct of the public officers, and even of the "Intendente" himself.
These attributes are, in appearance, extremely~extensive and important; but, under the System of tyranny and terror which has prevailed, the advice of the Councils has rarely been attended to, and their reports upon the public officers has, for the most part, been but a panegyric upon the Intendente and upon the Government.
Each district has a Sub-prefect, named by the King, and a District Council, which meets every year; but everything is so managed that the Sub Prefect only obeys the orders of the Prefect.
At the head of each commune there is a Mayor, with adjuncts, and a Municipal Council, consisting of from eight to thirty members, which meets every month. Its nominal powers, with regard to the municipal administration, are very extensive; but they are paralyzed by the System of centralization under which everything is left, virtually, in the hands of the Government.
The Prefects, Sub-Prefects, the members of the Prefectural Councils, and the Presidents of the Provincial and of the District Councils, are named by the King; but all the other public officers are selected from a list prepared in each commune of the "eligible", among which each man of 28 years of age possessed of a certain property has a right to be inscribed.
From this list the Prefect sends in to the Government three names for every member of the Municipal Council to be chosen; then the Municipal Council sends the names of those they propose as Mayors, Adjuncts, Provincial and District Councillors to the Government, which, however, have a right twice to reject the candidates offered to their choice, or, finally, to make a direct selection from the 1st of the "eligible;" a right which manifestly leaves the whole selection of persons for municipal employment at the absolute control of the Government.
This hasty sketch will, I imagine, be sufficient to satisfy your Lordship that in the municipal institutions of the country, as laid down by the laws, there is much that would be highly valuable, if they were only allowed to be fairly executed; and that a very trifling development of them, honestly carried out, would be sufficient to produce most important results.
(Extract.) Naples, September 1, 1857.
I RECEIVED last week a letter, of which I have the bonour to transmit a copy and translation, from the untried prisoners in the Santa Maria Apparente, requesting me to forward to the King a petition which they had drawn. up, begging to be brought to trial.
I was at considerale loss to know what to do with this document; for while it was evident that the Al mister of a foreign Court was not the proper channel of communication from Neapolitan subjects to their Sovereign, it would have been cruel not to try to secure to these unfortunate people any benefit they could obtain from the direct appeal to the King, which, as they say, they had no other means of making.
I therefore told Prince Satriano that I had received the petition, and that, although I could not forward it to the King, I should be very glad if it were possible to secure its reaching His Majesty; and his Excellency thereupon undertook that it should be delivered.
The King has, up to the present moment, shown but little signs of relenting in the treatment these persons are subjected to.
I have the honour to inclose a translation of the petition to the King, but at the moment when I had the opportunity of handing the original to Prince Satriano, a copy of it had not been made.
I SOTTOSCRITTI, infelici Calabresi strappati agli studi e alle loro famiglie, gettati e abbandonati da trentadue mesi in queste carceri di Santa Maria Apparente, implorano il patrocinio dell'Eccellenza vostra, Rappresentante di un Governo che onora la civilt?, ed espongono umilmente ci? che appresso.
Successo l'attentato alla persona del defunto Re nel Dicembre 1856, la polizia si studi? di mostrare il suo zelo cercandone complici, e non trovandone arrest? i Sottoscritti, che erano paesani alcuni,) altri conoscenti di Milano perch? educati nello stesso collegio, altri conoscenti di conoscenti del medesimo. E questo il delitto che stanno espiando con trentadue mese di carcere.
In vano domandavano un pubblico giudizio, quel giudizio che non fu negato al Milano. In un dibattimento giudiziario essi avrebbero fatto venire in luce l'innocenza e la verit?; laddove stando cosi le cose chi difender? questi infelici delle imputazione loro addossate nel segreto ? Chi contraddir? le asserzioni della polizia, che ha istruito il processo segreto, e che lungi dal ritrattare ha tutto l'interesse a sostenere le calunnie da essa ordita? Nessuno. In questo stato essi rimangono condannati irremisibilmente.
L'Unico, scampo che resta loro ? di fare appello al Sovrano. Ma quali mezzi avranno essi per far giungere fino al Trono un tal ricorso ? Essendo di una lontana provincia, non hanno parenti qui; oltre di che si trovano in carcere di polizia, e rigorosamente custoditi dalla polizia, che pone loro la musoliera in bocca per soffocare i loro gridi. Si raccomandano all'Eccellenza vostra in questo stato disperato per loro. La supplicano rappresentare in loro nome il tristissimo loro caso al Sovrano di cui i Sottoscritti sono cos? distanti. All'oggetto accludono ? vostra Eccellenza se si degner? interessarsi di questi miseri, potr? umiliare alla Maest? Sua in loro nome l'anessa supplica, e dire al Re in loro nome, che quando la polizia perseguita alcuni infelici che addita come formidabili nemici dell'ordine e del Trono, sotto spezie di zelo, spesso nasconde altri fini di privato interesse.
THE Undersigned, unhappy Calabrians who have been torn from their occupations and family, thrown into and abandoned in these prisons of Santa Maria Apparente for now thirty-two months, implore the protection of your Excellency, the Representative of a Government that does honour to civilization, and humbly make the following statement.
After the attempt that was made on the fife of the late King in December 1656, the police used their utmost efforts to discover the accomplices therein, and not succeeding arrested the Undersigned, who were, some of them, peasants, others acquaintances of Milano, owing to their having been educated in the same college with him, and some only friends of acquaintances of his; and this is the crime that they are expiating by thirty-two months' imprisonment.
In vain they applied for a public trial, a trial which had been granted to Milano. In the evidence given at such a trial their innocence and the truth would have been fully established; whereas in the present state of thugs who will defend their unfortunate cause against the secret imputations laid upon them? Who will contradict the assertions of the police, who have furnished evidence for the secret tribunal, and whose interest it is to support rather than to retract their calumnious accusations ? No one ! and in this case they will be irrevocably condemned.
Their only remaining hope is in an appeal to their Sovereign; but how can their requisition ever reach the Throne ? Belonging to a distant province, they have no relations here; they are, moreover, in a police prison ("carcere di polizia"), and are rigorously guarded by the police, who put a gag in their mouths to still their cries. In this despairing state they appeal to your Excellency. They beg you to represent their piteous state to the Sovereign from whom they are so far away. They inclose for this purpose a petition, that your Excellency may be pleased to take interest in their misery, and lay the some before His Majesty, and to teli the King in their name that when the police persecute unhappy people, whom th?jr accuse of being formidable enemies to public order and to the Throne, they often hide, under pretenee of zeal, private motives of their own.
FOR thirty months your petitioners have been separated from their families who are in Calabria, and are toiling, uncondemned, in this prison, detained there by some, to them unknown, suspicion of the police, and of all the political prisoners that were in Santa Maria Apparente, they alone remain. The exception that has been made on their account, causes them to fear that they have been represented in the blackest colours before the eyes of their Sovereign, and they, therefore, make a direct appeal to the Throne of Your Majesty, and loudly proclaim their innocence.
But what means have they of proving this assertion ? In their situation the difficulties are but too great; the police having arrested and accused them, and it alone can make reports on them, who are in a prison which belongs exclusively to the police. Therefore, if the police be in the wrong, if they have acted with want of faith, it is certain that they will not acknowledge their mistake, and confess their wrong doings. There remains, then, no hope for the petitioners unless the Sovereign Power assist their weakness. This they now implore, and entreat your Majesty that you may deign to order an expatriation of their trial by some Judge who differs from their former one, that is to say, the police, and who be not influenced by it. It is a known fact that the police used violence towards Domenico Antonio Marchese, Vitangelo Fanger, and Giuseppe Mendiesni, making them sign false declarations in which they accused themselves, and inculpated several of the petitioners. All .these three were liberated in January last, one of them returning to his family, and the other two proceeding to some island. . If these three be not guilty, how can those implicated by them be so ? This shows that they have not acted with honesty.
Sire, we do not think that wc are doing an injustice to the authorities iri acting thus; we appeal to the Sovereign, who is the common father of his subjects, in the belief that we have the right to lay our protest before your Majesty, even against the authorities, who must always be subject to the Sovereign Power. We do not fear that for this appeal to our Sovereign the police can aggravate our present position.
This we pray, in the event (as we the petitioners suspect of the police persisting in imputing crimes to us which we have not committed. But if, oh the other hand, the police itself, as we flatter ourselves, after careful researches, will have brought the truth to light and established the innocence of the petitioners, we will. retract the above mentioned accusations in praising its zeal, and simply implore of your Majesty, with humble entreaties, our liberation and restoration to our desolate families..
(Here follow the signatures.)
SINCE the issue of the Decree by which the "attendibili" were relieved from their disabilities, both the French Minister and myself have been repeatedly assured that it has not received an honest application, and that many persona were still kept in the same thraldom as before; but neither of Us coma, for a considerable time, succeed in getting the names of any person Who had been excepted from the act, and, consequently, felt much doubt of the correctness of the report.
At last, however, a list has been obtained of a certain number of persona,who have been refused permission to travel from one part of the kingdom to another.
The report which has been made upon them by the Police goes, I regret to say, very far to justify those who maintain that the "attendibili" still exist; and the reasons given for the refusal of the traveling passes would be absolutely laughable, if they did not indicate a System of oppression too serious to be lightly look ed at the crimes of almost all these men might be summed up by saying, in the language of the French Convention, that they were "soupponn?s d'?tre s?spects;" but scarcely anything more definite was alleged against them, unless it was that, among other reasons given for refusing one of them a pass to Messina, was added the fact of his having a son who had exiled himself to Genoa.
THE very scanty information which it has been in my power to obtain from Sicily leads me to apprehend that, notwithstanding the discontent existing with regard to the present state of things, a common Constitution, more firmly establishing the union, would be by no means popular, and might, perhaps, be resisted.
My Lord,Naples, September 2, 1859.
THE utmost satisfaction has been produced upon the public by the dismissal ?f the Intendenti of the Provinces of Avellino and Bari, both of them notorious for the tyrannical oppression tfiey have exercised.
' The promotion, likewis?, to the Pr?sidency ?f the Court, of Appeal (th? highest judicial post in the kingdom), of the Judg? of the Supreme Court, who a f?w days ago had been' grosslv abused by Prince Ischitella, the King's Aidedecamp Genera}, for a judicial decision pronounced against him, has been rbceiyed as a declaration that Prince Satriano desires justice to be h?nestly adthiniStered, without respect of persons, and has earned for him miich appiause.
I have, &c.
Sir,Foreign Office, September 15, 1859
THE accounts you give in your despatches of the 1st and 2nd instant, with regard to the condition of the "attendibili", the frivolous excuses made for putting a restraint upon their freedom, together with the King's , refusal to bring to trial the prisoners in Santa Maria Apparente, or to discharge them, show that the primary rudiments of judicial administration have yet to be learnt by the Neapolitan Government.
In these circumstances the only chance of rescue fur the people of the Two Sicilies lies in the establishment of a Representative Constitution. Upon the details of such ? measure Her Majesty's Government can offer no opinion. But free discussion in a popular Assembly, and the admission of public opinion to act upon the Government, would afford the only means of checking at present, and preventing for the future, such flagrant abuses of power as are described in your despatches.
I am &c
(Signed) J. RUSSELL.
My Lord,Naples, September 26, 1859.
IN the course of conversation with M. Carafa a few days ago, his Excellency made frequent allusions to the Revolutionary party, till not being sure that I rightly understood whom he was adverting to, and begging him to explain what he meant by the term, he replied without hesitation, that he looks upon as Revolutionists all those who "desire" changes in the institutions of the country contrary to the will of the Government.
In order properly to understand the complaints constantly made against the Revolutionary party, it will be necessary to bear in mind the singular definition of the term thus given by the Neapolitan Government.
I have &
My Lord,Naples, September 26, 1859.
THE last conversation which I had with M. Carafa was little calculated to encourage hope that the Neapolitan Government are likely to take any measures of importance calculated to diminish the dangers threatened by the prevailing discontent.
Nothing could be more explicit than the language in which he assured me that it was the unanimous opinion of the Government that any change in the institutions of the country would be productive of revolution, and that their efforts must be confined to endeavouring to effect some improvements in the administration of the existing laws and to cause them to be respected.
A strict observance of the laws would of itself undoubtedly be a boon of no trifling magnitude in a country where its disregard by the authorities has become habitual, but it was far from M. Carafa's intention to intimate that the power of the law should be really sacred; for upon my alluding to the persons now kept in prison in spite of the laws, bis Excellency. argued that a discretion must always be left to the Sovereign to supersede the regular laws when he considers it for the public interest to do so.
I expressed the regret with which I had heard the principles M. Carafa had proclaimed; adding, that if they are acted upon and troubles follow, he may probably find that they will have cost the Neapolitan Government the sympathy of most of the Governments of Europe: for that his language could only be understood as an expression of the determination to uphold a System which is almost universally condemned.
I have, &c.
My Lord,Naples, October 1 1859.
MY telegram of yesterday's date reporting the arrest of fourteen persons requires a slight modification j for although the order was issued for their arrest, three or four of the number contrived to evade it.
In some of these cases the police seemed resolved not to allow themselves to be easily baffled, and, when unable to find the persons they were in search of, f?ll back upon some other member of the family.
At least two such instances have come to my knowledge, in one of which the brother, and in the other the son-in-law of the suspected person has been taken up.
Among those arrested may be named the Baron Gallotti, the Marquis Bella, a son of Prince Torella, the Marquis Afflitto, the Due de Giordano, and two Counts Monterosso.
M. Ferrini, one of the most distinguished and esteemed members of the Neapolitan Bar, is among those who have hitherto eluded the search of the police.
The public are quite unable to account for these acts of rigour, which, together with the sight of numerous bodies of troops or police patrolling the town, have given rise to a general feeling of mingled alarm and irritation.
I have, &c. ,
(Extract.)Naples, October 2, 1859.
I AVAILED myself of the audience granted me yesterday by the King for the purpose of delivering the Queen's letter to point out to His Majesty in the most serious manner the danger of the System of administration adopted at present in this country.
I said that the knowledge that the difficulty of ascertaining the true state of things, which was great for everybody, became still grater for Sovereigns, to whom the persons around them dreaded to tell distasteful truths, emboldened me to freely represent to His Majesty the dangers attending the course upon which his Government seemed resolved to enter. I told him that the recent arrests in Naples had produced something approaching to a panic, accompanied by a feeling of profound irritation; and, although His Majesty said he did not consider the internal state of the country as critical as it was now believed by the public to be, I remarked that it was natural for the public to imagine that nothing except a sense of imminent danger could have induced or would justify the numerous arrests taking place in Naples, in Palermo, and in Messina.
I said I was aware that some of his Ministers maintained that there was no general discontent in the country, and. that the uneasiness was kept alive by the restlessness of a small number of turbulent spirits: but I besought him not to allow himself to be misled by representations of this nature, for from the accounts which I received from all sides, it was impossible for me to doubt that the discontent was so universal and deep-rooted that measures of conciliation or of repression have become indispensable.
I represented that the former might still .be effectual, and that concession to the moderate demands of the country might ensure to him tranquility at home and sympathy from abroad; where as, if it was determined to resort to the forcible coercion of the feelings prevailing, it behoved His Majesty to calculate well the force at his command and to weigh thoroughly the risk that he ran, before adopting a policy which, if it failed, must lead to results the extent of which could not be calculated, and which would deprive him of all chance of either succour or sympathy from abroad. If those now arrested were shown to be conspiring against His Majesty's Throne, the irritation now felt against his Government would at once cease, and, therefore, the only course which it now seemed possible to pursue with advantage was to put them upon their trial without a moment's delay. If they could be proved guilty of a conspiracy against His Majesty, their condemnation would be received as a justification of their arrest, and if acquitted they might immediately be released, and in either case the Government would be believed to have acted on a conviction of their guilt; but if, on the other hand, these persons are not brought to trial, His Majesty must be prepared to find that the public will look upon their arrest as a purely arbitrary act, directed, not against conspiracies, but against opinions. I said the extreme signification applied to the word "revolutionists" by some of His Majesty's Ministers had created much alarm in my mind; and I put it to His Majesty to say whether it would be just or fair to consider as conspirators those who might think themselves entitled to concert together to and the means of procuring the resuscitation of that Constitut?on which had been solemnly granted, but never formally revoked, and which might, therefore, strictly be still regarded as the law of the land.
I concluded by begging His Majesty to believe how extremely unwilling I was to bring forward topics which must be distasteful to him, and that nothing would have induced me to do so but the knowledge of the interest felt by Her Majesty and by her Government in the prosperity of this kingdom, and in the welfare of himself and his dynasty, which made me feel that it would not be pardonable in me if, seeing him stand, as I believed, on the brink of an abyss, ? did not do my best to warn him of the dangers towards which the counsels of blind advisers are hurrying him.
His Majesty gave no sign of resenting the language I had made use of, and expressed himself fully satisfied of the goodwill of Her Majesty's Government.
I trust I shall receive your Lordship's approbation for having expressed myself so freely to the King; but although His Majesty is so constantly surrounded by narrow-minded and bigotted advisers, who are leading him to destruction, that I cannot flatter myself with the hope that my counsels are likely to produce much effect, I believed I could scarcely misunderstand the wishes of Her Majesty's Government if I made every effort to prevent his perseverance in a system which, in all probability, will lead to complications of which no one can foresee the solution.
(Extract.)Naples, October 4, 1859.
THERE is not time before the departure of the packet for me to enter at any length into the subject of the release of the newly arrested persons of which I have informed your Lordship by telegraph.
The release of the arrested being accompanied by the removal of M. Governo, the Prefect of Police of Naples, from the scene of action where he has rendered himself universally execrated, will be productive of an excellent effect in the capital, and the transfer of M. Santoro from the Prefetture of the district of Barletta, of which likewise 1 informed your Lordship by telegraph, will be equally well received.
My Lord,Naples, October 11, 1859.
THE release of twelve out of the fourteen persons lately arrested and the removal from their posts of M. Governo, the Prefect of Police of Naples, and of M. Santoro, the Prefect of Barletta, have not proved the sole measures of conciliation adopted by the Government.
M. Mirabelli, the Prefect of Avellino, has likewise been nominated "Conseiller de la Cour des Comptes", and his transfer will cause universal satisfaction, notwithstanding it having been carried out in a way to avoid any appearance of disapprobation on the part of the Government for the conduct which has rendered his administration of the province so notorious.
Another beneficial act which has been performed within the last few days has been the granting to most of the untried prisoners who two months ago were transferred from the prison of the Santa Maria Apparente to Capri, the permission to leave the island and to return to their own homes.
With their usual infelicity, however, the Government contrive to counteract the good effects which might be expected from an act of such bare justice, by excepting six or eight individuals from its operation, and thus making it appear rather as the exercise of the Royal clemency than as evidence of an intention on the part of the Government to adhere to the law.
The history of these persons is a striking exemplification of the abuses which may be practiced in this country, not by the tyranny or over-zeal of some distant official, but with the knowledge and by the sanction of the very highest authority. They most of them underwent about thirty-three months confinement in the Santa Maria Apparente without any charge being brought against them; they were then transferred to Capri, and the boon wa? considerable, although the island became in fact another prison; and now without further form or trial they are allowed quietly to depart to their own province? after suffering nearly three years of utterly illegal imprisonment.
Your Lordship may, perhaps, recollect that the immediate release or trial of the untried prisoners was ?one of the very first things which I urged upon the King, and which I have never ceased pressing upon his Ministero; but I am not able yet to announce that any decision has been come to with regard to the^sixteen persona who were not transferred to Capri, and who are still kept in the Santa Maria Apparente.
As long as these are detained, ii will be impossible to believe in any serious intention to reestablish the majesty of the law, although an attempt may be made to conciliate the public by some partial acts of grace and clemency.
I have, &c.
YOUR Lordship is aware, that almost immediately after the Decree was issued for the relief or the "attendibili", it began to be rumoured that the act was illusory and not practically carried out.
Cases gradually became known where individuals were refused permission to pass from one part of the country to another, and a private circular was spoken of in which the Minister of police gave such instructions to the Prefect of the different provinces, as virtually to counteract the Decree which had been received with so much satisfaction in the country, and which out of it had been taken as the forerunner of a better state of things.
At last, a translation of what purported to be the circular itself, was published in a foreign newspaper; and as the Minsters do not now attempt to deny its authenticity, I have the honour to transmit to your Lordship a copy of this document thus made public, the date of which was but two days subsequent to that of the Decree, the effect of which it was intended to modify, or, perhaps R may be said, to nullify.
By it your Lordship will perceive that the Prefects are especially prohibited from treating-the suspected persons like the rest of the Neapolitan subjects, with reference to permission to travel either in the country or abroad, or to allow them, to become candidates for any municipal offices; they are even spoken of as "attendibili", and all their old disqualifications may be said to be maintained until a special decision to the contrary is taken in each individual case.
I would wish also particularly to draw your Lordship's attention to the Paragraph which points out to the Prefects that the Decree of relief is only applicable to the "attendibili" of earlier date than those of 1848 and 1849.
The discrepancy between the words of the Decree and those employed in the confidential circular of the Minister of Police is so great that I cannot do more than point it out, without pretending to find a satisfactory explanation: but your Lordship will not be surprised to learn that the knowledge of this Circular should have confirmed the conviction among the public, that the Decree of relief was never issued in good faith, nor intended to be honestly carried out.
Deux Siciles.-NOTRE correspondant dé Naples nous a plusieurs fois affirmé que malgré l'amnistie accordé par Sa Majesté Franéois li, la situation des personnes désignées sous le nom éd'attendibilié (suspects) en province n'était pas sensiblement améliorée.
La circulaire de M. le Directeur de Police Casella, que nous publions ci-aprés, vient é l'appui des assertions de notre correspondant. Elle porte la date du 18 Juin. On se rappelle que l'amnistie avait été accordée le lo par le Roi.
Voici cette circulaire:-
M. l'Intendant,
Maintenant plus que jamais on doit veiller é empécher les menées des malveillants, et, par conséquent, l'obligation vous incombe de vous astreindre é l'occasion aux régles suivantes, afin de pouvoir prendre les décisions en conformité avec les ordres suprémes.
1. Chaque fois que les éattendibilié (suspects) politiques demanderont des passeports de circulation pour Naples et autres lieux, vous devez les dissuader d'insister pour obtenir ces passeports en vue des périls auxquels ils s'exposent de la part du Gouvernement.
2. En cas oé ils s'obstineraient en se couvrant du récent Décret du 16 courant, vous devez m'en avertir préalablement dans le plus bref délai.
3. Dans le cas oé, en vertu du Décret susdit, ils réclameraient dés certificata pour subir des examens publics, ou pour obtenir des papiers autorisant l'exercice de quelque profession ou art, ou dans un autre but quelconque; ou bien que, par la faiblesse des fonctionnaires municipaux, ils seraient proposte pour des charges eommunales, vous devez toujours marcher d'accord avec moi, de maniére é ce qu'aucun de ces documenta ou actes de nomination ne soit jamais expédié sans que ma propre autorisation alt été donnée spécialement é cet effet. Si quelqu'un des éattendibilié pensait é se rendre en pays étranger vous devrez l'avertir immédiatement qu'il ne pourra que fort difficilement rentrer dans le pays, et dans le cas oé il persisterait dans sa résolution, vous devrez eu avertir immédiatement ce Ministére et celui des Affaires étrangéres. Dans ce but, en envoyant des documents ordinaires relatifs aux demandes de passeports pour l'étranger, vous devrez indiquer non seulement la qualité éd'attendibilié mais encore toutes les circonstances accessoires.
4. Il demeure expressément entendu que toutes les décisions concernant l'arrestation, l'éloignement, l'internement et toutes autres mesures de police restent en pleine vigueur pour ceux qui sont compromis pour paroles ou actes postérieurs é 1848 et 1849. Ces mesures restent également en vigueur pour ceux qui se sont compromis en 1848 et 1849, mesures qui ont été ordonnées par dispositions spéciales et qui le seront désormais par esprit de précaution.
Vous continuez é étre, M. l'Intendant, personnellement responsable de la moindre déviation é cette régie.
Vous serez informé exactement des modifications et des mesures énergiques que vous serez chargé de faire exécuter selon la volonté et les ordres supérieures.
(Signè) CASELLA.
Two Sicilies.-OUR correspondent at Naples has several times affirmed that, notwithstanding the amnesty granted by His Majesty Francis II, the position of the persons designated under the name of "attendibili" (suspected) has not in the provinces been sensibly improved.
The circular of M. le Directeur de Police, Casella, which we publish below, supports our correspondent's assertions. It bears date the 18th of June. It vili be remembered that the amnesty had been granted by the King on the 16th.
This circular is as follows:-.;
"M. l'Intendant,
"The intrigues of ill-disposed persons should be watched, now more than ever, in order to be prevented, and therefore it is incumbent upon you to hind yourself for this reason by the following rules, so that you may take decisions in conformity with supreme orders.
"1. Each time that the political "attendibili* (suspected persons) ask for passports for passing to Naples and other places, you should dissuade them from insisting on obtaining these passports, in consideration of the perils to which they may be exposed on the part of Government.
"2. In case they are obstinate, excusing themselves by the recent Decre? of the 16th instant, you should previously inform me with the least possible delay.
"3. In case that, in virtue of the said Decree, they ask for certificates to undergo public examinations, or to obtain papers authorizing the exercise of some profession or art, or for any other purpose; or that, by the feebleness of municipal functionaries, they should be proposed for offices in communes; you should always act in accord with me, so that none of these documents or acts of nomination should ever be granted unless my own authorization has been specially given to this effect. If any of the "attendibili" thinks of going abroad, you should immediately wam him that he will not be able to return without great difficulty, and in case he should persist in his resolution, you should immediately give notice to this office, and to that for Foreign Affairs. To this end, in sending the ordinary documents relative to demands for passports for abroad, you should not only point out, the quality of "attendibili", but, further, all the accessory circumstances.
"4. It is to be expressly understood that all decisions concerning arrest, removal, supervision, and all other measures of police, remain in full force with regard to those persons who are compromised on account of words or acts posterior to 1848 and 1849. These measures remain equally in force with regard to those who compromised themselves in 1848 and 1849, measures which have been decreed by special provisions, and will be in future by the spirit of precaution.
"You will continue, M. l'Intendant, to be personally responsible for the least deviation from this regulation.
"You will be accurately informed of the modifications and the energetic measures that you will be charged to execute, according to superior will and orders.
(Signed) - CASELLA.-
My Lord,Naples, November 12, 1859.
I HAVE the honour to inclose the copy and translation of a circular of the Minister of the Interior to the Intendants of the Provinces, calling upon them to exercise greater vigilance in the execution of their duty, so that good laws may not continue to be a dead letter through the negligence of those whose business it is to administer them.
I have, &c.
Ministero e Real Segreteria di Stato ' Interno.
E IRRECUSABILE che la nostra legislazione e il nostro organamento amministrativo, che han formato per mezzo secolo la prosperit? sempre crescente, del nostro Regno, non ci lascino nulla a desiderare. Sventuratamente per? si appunta alle disposizioni governative l'oblio e la rilasciatezza di coloro che ne debbono curare l'attuazione; e cos? le buone leggi, falsate nell'applicazione, risultano lettera inerte e senza vita, e il concetto benefico del Legislatore rimane spesso intraveduto o tradito.
Se da un lato la paterna previdenza del Re nostro Signore accorre generosa alle esigenze dell? annona, all'attivazione delle opere pubbliche, e ad ogni maniera d'immegliamento morale economico e materiale del Regno; e se a renderne pi? pronti e diretti i benefici, ha con benintesi ordinamenti provveduto perch? i pubblici balzelli fossero pi? equi, perch? a' bisogni della classe povera ed agricola si aprissero mezzi legittimi ili occupazione e di lavoro, perch? si restituisse ai Decurionati la libera amministrazione dell'azienda comunale; dall'altro canto per? son cresciuti i doveri de' pubblici funzionari, affinch? con solerzia ed alacrit? mettano in atto cos? vasti e salutari intendimenti.
La pubblica amministrazione vive e si alimenta di azione: quindi ? mestieri non solo ben disporre, ma curare pure ed invigilare direttamente onde bene si eseguisse-che la risponsabilit? di un funzionario si estende ed abbraccia, non meno la disposizione, che la esecuzione. Fa d'uopo ormai che una operosa e continua vigilanza subentri al dannoso sistema di una tempestosa guerra di carte e di corrispondenza che, assorbendo la massima parte del tempo agli Agenti della pubblica amministrazione ed agl'impiegati che ne dipendono, hanno finora ingombrato gli archivi, ed inceppato il celere andamento del Real servizio.
Da ci? conseguita che mentre grave risponsabilit? pesa alle Signori loro acci? il benefico concetto dell'augusto nostro Sovrano vada attuato, non minore risponsabilit? ne deriva per mancata od inesatta esecuzione da parte de' loro subordinati. Per costoro dovranno elleno scrupolosamente osservare, non solo la stretta e sollecita esecuzione data nella sfera delle rispettive attribuzioni agli ordini comunicati, ma dovranno ancora attentamente scrutare quale sia la di loro condotta in ogni rincontro, e come essi si prestino allo adempimento de' propri doveri. Cos? operando, ne risulter? il massimo vantaggio della cosa pubblica e del servizio del Re Signor nostro, e si avr? la opportunit? di conoscere quali sieno gli Amministratori degni di premio, e quali meritevoli di pena-che i mezzi di transazione e gli espedienti di una piet? malintesa ed inopportuna sono stati e saranno sempre la piaga sociale, che inaridisce ogni germe di privato e' di pubblico bene.
In tale intelligenza, nell'atto che elleno mi accerteranno dell'arrivo di questa Ministeriale, cureranno altres? di farmi conoscere periodicamente quale sia lo stato dell'azienda pubblica nelle province rispettive, sotto il rapporto morale, economico e materiale, come si eseguano le superiori disposizioni date nelle diverse branche del Real servizio, quali gli abusi a correggersi e quali i provvedimenti ad adottarsi. E, confidando nello zelo e nella lealt? delle Signori loro, spero che vorranno spingere lo adempimento delle cennate disposizioni, affinch? le generose intenzioni del Re nostro Signore divengano cos? un l'atto e non pi? un voto desiderio.
Il Direttore,
SecretaryOffice for the Interior.
IT is undeniable that our legislative and administrative organization, which for the last half century has contributed to the increasing prosperity of our Kingdom, leaves but little to be desired. But unfortunately the intentions of the Government are neutralized by the neglect and laxity of those whose duty it is to execute them; and thus good laws, improperly administered, become a dead letter, and the good intentions of the legislator are oftentimes misunderstood or improperly carried out.
If, on the one hand, the paternal foresight of the King our Master generously Comes forward in alleviation of scarcity in encouraging public works, and in every kind of moral, economical, and material improvement of the Kingdom; and if, in order to extend the operation of these beneficial acts, he has by well understood laws caused the burden of taxation to be distributed more equally, so as to afford greater facilities to the poorer classes for obtaining the means of gaining their livelihood; and to restore to the "Decurionati" (Communal authorities) the free administration of the domestic economy of the Commune,- on the other hand the duties of the public functionaries must necessarily be increased in order that they may carry out carefully and promptly such vast and salutary resolutions.
The public administration exists and is nourished by its own action; therefore it behoves us not only to direct, but also to take care to watch carefully in order that their .aim is carried out.-that the responsibility of a functionary be extended, and should embrace not only the order, but also the execution.
It will be therefore necessary for the future to see that an active and continuous vigilance take the place of the noxious System of writing an immense mass of letters and correspondence, which, occupying the greater portion of the time of the Agents of the Public Administration and of the officials connected therewith, has hitherto encumbered the archives, and interfered with the rapid performance of the public Service.
From this it results, while great responsibility attaches to you that the benevolent views of our august Master be acted upon, you are not the less responsive for any deficiency or in-exactitude on the .part of your subordinates in carrying out these views. You must not only scrupulously see that they strictly and promptly fulfill the orders communicated, within the sphere of their respective powers, but you must also closely scrutinize their conduct in every emergency, and see how they carry out the duties incumbent upon them. From this much benefit will result to the public weal and to the Service of the King our Sovereign, and there will be an opportunity of ascertaining what functionaries should be rewarded and who are deserving of punishment; for the condonement of faults, and a misunderstood and inopportune compassion has been and ever will be the social evil that dries up every germ of public and private good. With this understanding, after acknowledging the receipt of this despatch, it will be your duty to keep me periodically informed of the state of affairs in your respective provinces in a moral, economical, and material point of view, the manner in which the superior orders are executed in the different branches of the Service, what are the abuses to be corrected, and what the provisions to be adopted. And, confiding in your zeal and loyalty, 1 trust that you will hasten the fulfillment of the above orders, so that the generous intentions of the King our Master may become a reality, and not merely a vague anticipation.
The Director,
THERE is, I believe, no doubt that during the last few weeks the question of an organic change in the System of government has been seriously taken into consideration; but the best information which I am able to obtain is not calculated to lead to the belief that any satisfactory progress had been made.
That it will not be possible for Naples to remain under its present system if the rest of Italy obtains liberal institutions, is an evident truth which the King and his private advisers do not yet appear to have realized.
My Lord,Naples, November 18, 1859
I INQUIRED yesterday of M. Carafa what were the intentions of the Neapolitan Government in the event of the assembling of a Congress for the consideration of the affairs of Italy-a question which I had already put to his Excellency on previous occasions without extracting any definite answer.
Yesterday, however, he stated, without reserve, that, if he received an invitation, the King would not hesitate to take part in a Congress, but that His Majesty would never consent to the discussion of matters relating to the internal affairs of this kingdom.
I inquired if the King and his Excellency were not convinced that it would not be possible to maintain at Naples the present System of absolutism if the rest of Italy was put into the enjoyment of free institutions, and whether they did not consider it would be more dignitied, and more prudent, to avoid the dangers which threaten, by a voluntary adoption of reforms which appear to become indispensable.
M. Carafa declared in reply that the Government of the King were convinced that no change in their institutions was advisable, and that they were resolved to maintain them, merely endeavouring to improve the administration of the laws, and to develop the resources of the kingdom; that His Majesty and his Ministers consider themselves the proper judges of the requirements of the country, and could not admit the right of a Congress or of foreign nations to occupy themselves about them.
I told M. Carafa that I much regretted to hear that it was the intention of the Government to resist all progress; but that at all events, as he took such a lofty tone with regard t? the Congress interfering with their domestic affairs, I hoped he would support the same principle if it should chance to be advocated in favour of the Governments of the Central Duchies.
Sir,Foreign Office, November 28, 1859.
FROM your despatch of the lst instant, it appears that the Decree respecting the "attendibili", upon which the people of the Kingdom of Naples founded such hopes, and which was considered the forerunner of a better state of things, was nullified immediately alter its publication by a circular from the Minister of Police.
The assurances given from the highest quarters that the class of "attendibili" was set free from the odious restrictions placed upon them, appear thus to have been falsified by a subordinate Minister.
Of course, we can no longer rely on any promises that may be given, or even upon any Decrees that may be issued in the name of the King.
It appears that in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies the authority of the law is entirely set aside, and nothing prevails but that vague and uncertain arbitrary , power which is justly said to be the sign of a miserable servitude.
There appear to be some apprehensions that Her Majesty's Government will interfere in the Congress to procure some amendment in the internai conditimi of Naples. There are, however, conclusive reasons why we should not do so.
If the proposed refomis were to be introduced by foreign force, such an intervention would be in contradiction to the principles professed by Her Majesty's Government. If, on the other hand, the object were to obtain promises from the Neapplitan Government by moral influence, we might be quite sure, from former and recent experience, that the Neapolitan Government would not hold itself bound to the performance of such promises, however solemn.
I have only further to assure you that Her Majesty's Government entirely approve of the course you took respecting the arrests, and are rejoiced that the persons then arrested were set free.
I am, &c.
(Signed) J. RUSSELL.
My Lord,Naples, December 6, 1859.
IT has been stated in various newspapers that the Government of His Sicilian Majesty has sent instructions to their Ministers and Consuls, authorizing them to visa the passports of all the Neapolitan exiles who may be desirous of returning to their country.
I inquired of M. Carafa whether the statement was correct, and was informed by him that it is not, and that the Consuls have hitherto simply been empowered to receive the petitions of those Neapolitans who wish to return, which are laid before His Majesty, who decides according to the merits of each individual case.
I have, &c.
(Extract.)Naples, December 20, 1859.
FOR the last fortnight the King has been in Constant communication with the Princes Petrulla, Cassaro, and Comitini, and to the former have been entrusted the police lists of the political exiles, with everything that had been noted against them in order that it might he ascertained how many it would he necessary to exclude from the contemplated act of amnesty.
The number of political exiles proved very much smaller than had been imagined, and only amounted, exclusive of the Sicilians, to 585; the greater part of them being noted by the police for the most puerile causes, and some being still retained on the list although their period of banishment had long since expired.
As to the number of exceptions that must be made from the effects of the amnesty, with the utmost severity and accepting as proved e very bare assertion of the police, it would not be possible to except more than forty-one individuals; and even among these there were many whose exclusion would be preposterous.
My Lord,Naples, December 1850.
DURING the last fortnight various arrests have been made in Naples, but neither the numbers nor the causes of them are correctly known.
It had been reported latterly that subscriptions have been going on here for the purchase of arms for Garibaldi, by means of notes of hand of various amounts, which are clandestinely circulated, and the present arrests and domiciliary visits are by some imagined to he the consequence.
I have hitherto, however, not been able to obtain a sight of any of these notes, and cannot therefore guarantee their existence.
I have, &c.
My Lord,Naples, December 28, 1859
IN conversation with Prince Satriano and M. Carafa, I have taken the opportunity of expressing the deep regret with which I saw the fresh evidence of the determination of the Neapolitan Government to set their own laws at defiance, exhibited by the late arbitrary imprisonment of M. Pandola and others.
Both these Ministers assured me that Pandola had been distributing portraits of Agesilao Milano, who attempted the late King's life three years ago, and that they had witnesses who positive! y affirmed that they had received them from him.
I said that 1 assuredly felt no sympathy for any one who took an assassin for his hero, or distributed pictures of him; but that neither I nor the public would look upon a man as guilty till his guilt had been fairly proved, and that if a person is to be arbitrarily and indefinitely imprisoned without being confronted with his accusers and the witnesses against him, or without even being informed of the crime he is accused of, it is something so like a relapse to the old System which used to prevail at Venice as to be entire y repugnant to the feelings of the age.
M. Carafa admitted that there could be no excuse for keeping Pandola longer in prison without trial than was necessary to collect the evidence against him; but Prince Satriano told me that the police were afraid to bring the affair to a trial, from the conviction that any witness deposing to having received a picture of Milano from the prisoner would be certain of being assassinated.
It is needless to point out to your Lordship the total want of security. in which every one here must live, if it is admitted that, under any circumstances, they are liable to be imprisoned without being allowed an opportunity of clearing themselves.
I have, &c.
IT may be as well to explain still further to Prince Satriano, and through him to the King, the policy of the British Government.
Your language to his Excellency on this subject is entirely approved by Her Majesty's Government. We wish well to the Neapolitan Dynasty. We have no desire to interfere with the internal government of Naples and Sicily. But we cannot blind ourselves to some obvious truths. It is evident that the commonest rules of justice are not observed by the King of Naples towards his subjects; that the exasperation caused by oppression is the parent of plots, assassinations, conspiracies, and insurrections; that Her Majesty's Agents and Consuls, while they religiously abstain from taking a part in such plots, have had convincing evidence of their existence.
Should such conspiracies endanger the Throne of His Sicilian Majesty, Her Majesty's Government can only lament the blindness which afflicts ms Council. But Her Majesty's Government will neither accept any part of their responsibility, nor undertake to ward off the consequences of a misgovernment which has scarcely a parallel in Europe..
The reforms necessary require no elaborate machinery or profound meditation. Let the Neapolitan Government arrest no man without bringing him to trial face to face with his accusers. Let them subject no man to injurious restrictions without proof of some crime or offence against public order; let the law, as it stands, be equally applied to all. With these simple but-broad changes, a beginning would be made; popular institutions might follow; time for deliberation would be gained, and the Government might even obtain a reputation for justice and honesty. But the course at present pursued can only lead to destruction.
You will speak to Prince Satriano in the sense of this despatch, and also to M. Carafa if he should raise the question with you.
My Lord,Naples, January 15, 1860.
MADAME PANDOLA, the mother of the young man whose arbitrary. imprisonment has lately been so much commented upon, called upon me today, and not finding me at home, left. a message to thank me for the interest I had shown in her son, and to which she attributed the favourable change which had taken place in his condition.
A description of the treatment to which this young man has been subjected would probably be received with incredulity in any other country in Europe.
Of the period which has elapsed since he was arrested without any cause being assigned, thirty-five days were passed by him in a wretched subterranean coll, eight feet square, in which, for not less than eighteen days, he was not even allowed the solace of a book; while the eternal solitude of his prison was only broken once in the twenty-four hours by the gaoler thrusting into the cell the daily allowance of food. He has however, at last, been removed to different quarters, where he is in comparative comfort, and has the privilege of seeing his family, who are, moreover, assured that they need be under no further apprehension, as the police have totally failed in making out a case against him.
It is, perhaps, superfluous to remark to your Lordship that if his innocents is recognized, and he is "thrust out privily" as he most likely will be, he will have no chance of obtaining the slightest redress for the sufferings he has been subjected to, and which could only be inflicted by the grossest violation of the law.
I HAVE the honour to inclose herewith the copy and translation of a secret Circular from the Director of Police to the Intendenti of the Provinces, which is well worthy of your Lordship's attention as affording an admirable exemplification of the System upon which the internal government of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies is at present conducted.
The police of this country have not usually been considered backward in dealing with political offendere, but the object of the present Circular, dated the 29th of December last, is to stimulate them to' still greater activity; and it directs them "without the slightest hesitation" to arrest not only all political delinquents, but also all those against whom there are even grounds for suspicion.
The Circular concludes by significantly informing the Intendants that they are expected to show their obedience to the instruction "by their acts",-thus conveying a very intelligible intimation that those who look for the favour of the Government must collect a proper number of victims.
Your Lordship may be disposed to question the genuineness of the document, as I was myself at f?ret inclined to do; but I have been enabled to ascertain its authenticity in a manner that admits of no doubt.
Signor Intendente,Napoli, 29 Dicembre, 1859
QUANTUNQUE in tutto il Reame, merc? le provide e paterne cure del Real Governo, si serbi inalterato l'ordine pubblico, pur tuttavia un partito per quanto audace altrettanto impotente a fronte di tali invincibili elementi, col basso trovato di qualche stampa clandestina, o di segni tricolorati, cerca indarno sedurre la gran massa delle popolazioni, le quale mostransi sempreppi? divote e fedeli al nostro adorato Sovrano (d. g.) Tale fazione sovversiva, a misura che vede venir meno le sue stolte ed empie speranze (ben conoscendosi essersi oramai alla soluzione del deplorabile dramma che ha perturbate altre regioni), non manca di tentare gli ultimi sforzi disperati, spingendosi a passi, i quali non si saprebbero definire se pi? empii o pi? ridicoli.
Premesso ci?, ? necessario che si metta assolutamente termine a siffatte infernali macchinazioni, compiendo all'uopo i funzionari pubblici quanto ? loro debito con zelo ed abnegazione, esercitando una continua e ben intesa vigilanza, e procedendo senza la menoma esitazione all'arresto di chiunque offrisse elementi di colpabilit?, ed anche di semplici sospetti.
Sono sicuro che ella far? tesoro di tali prescrizioni, mirando esse ad uno scopo che interessa cos? da vicino il Real Governo, e ne attendo tali risultati da dimostrare co' fatti che ella che ne sia efficacemente interessata.
Il Direttore,
Firmato) ?JOSSA.
Mr. Intendant,Naples, December 29, 1859.
ALTHOUGH, owing to the provident and paternal care of the Royal Government, public order is preserved unaltered throughout the kingdom, nevertheless a party, as bold as it is powerless in the face of such invincible principles, endeavours in vain, by the shallow pretext of some clandestine print, or by tricoloured tokens, to seduce the great mass of the people, which shows itself more and more devoted and faithful to our adored Sovereign (d.g.) The said subversive faction, as it sees the failure of its foolish and impious hopes (knowing well that the end of the lamentable drama which has disturbed other regions is at hand), does not fail to attempi extreme and desperate efforts, proceeding to acts which one is at a loss whether to call wicked or ridiculous.
Thus much premised, it is absolutely necessary that an end should be put to such infernal machinations, by the public functionaries carrying out their duties with zeal and selfdenial, exercising a continued and well understood vigilance, and proceeding without the least hesitation to arrest any one who may afford grounds of guilt, and even of simple suspicion.
I am sure that you will treasure up these instructions, tending to a matter which so nearly concerns the interests of the Royal Government, and I await such results as will prove by deeds that you are effectually interested in them.
The Director,
(Signed) AJOSSA.
My Lord,Naples, February 14, 1860.
I HAVE the honour to inclose a list of the names of fifty-three persons published last night in the official paper, whose petitions to be allowed to return to this kingdom have been acceded to by the King.
I have, &c.
List of Persons permitted to return to the Kingdom of Naples,
Michele Aletta, di S. Giacomo.
Filippo Nesci, di Bova.
Gregorio Forcella Abate, di Penne.
Antonio Farina, di Capua.
Carmine Romano, di Bagnarci.
Giuseppe Verdoliva, di Rotino.
Raffaele Carbonaro, di Catanzaro.
Gaetano Mariconda, di Gragnano.
Nicola Cianelli, di Napoli.
Giuseppe Sangiorgio, di Napoli.
Francesco Basile, di Napoli.
Antonio Spanarelli, di Pignano.
Francesco Chiantella, di Reggio.
Pietro Merlino, di Reggio.
Giovanni Barile, di Napoli.
Giacomo Tronconi, di Sora.
Nicola e Stefano Morabito, di Palmi.
Donato Pierai, di Bari.
Giuseppe Ferrara, di Napoli.
Felice Vittorio Foglia.
Federico della Valle de' Marchesi di Casanova,
di Napoli. Desiderio, Silvestro,
e Giovanni Cappellante, di Accumoli.
Giuseppe Caccavilli, di Aquila.
Michele Cuciniello, di Napoli.
Cesare Falconieri, di Napoli.
Raffaele Castorani e Umani, di Giulia.
Enrico Jengo, di Napoli.
Michele Malasomma, di Napoli.
Francesco Mazzia, di Napoli.
Luigi Petri, di Gaeta.
Vincenzo Luisa, di Terolito Piano.
Pietro Morelli, di Napoli.
Tommaso Frascheria, di Avessa.
Antonio Volpe, di Carapelle.
Giovanni Luise, di Putignano.
Sabatino Rescinito, di Roscigno.
Francesco la Cavalla, di Birceglie.
Antonio Gaeta, di Pelezzano.
Antonio Catinari, di S. Vito.
Michele Ferreri, di Palma.
Vincenzo Canchero, di Polla.
Francesco Schiavone, di Fasano.
Onofrio Positano, di Noia.
Pietro Floro, di Falerna.
Giuseppe Fumarola, di Martina.
Nicolo Capobianco, di Gimigliano.
Pietro Sposito, di Marigliano.
Luigi Cimigliano, di Cenadi.
Francesco Alacri, di Chiaravalle.
Federico Schifino, di Caserta.
My Lord,Naples, February 18, 1860.
IN conversation with M. Carafa, a few days ago, an allusion having been let fall with regard to the efforts which are being made to create or keep up excitement and agitation in Central and Southern Italy, I took the opportunity of remarking to him that, without denying that there may be revolutionary agents at work in some places, 1 wished to call his attention to the no less dangerous agitation which is now being actively carried on by the clerical party, and especially by the Jesuits, in this kingdom; and I urged the necessity of the Government exerting whatever influences they may possess to put an end to proceedings which, coupled with other causes, must be seen to be imminently dangerous to public tranquility, and which, by exciting angry passions on the one side, must produce an agitation not less violent on the other.
M. Carafa lamented, without denying, the violence to which a portion of the Neapolitan clergy have given way, and said that the Government were exerting their utmost influence to keep them within bounds, a circular having been addressed to the Bishops, calling upon them to recommend their clergy to abstain from introducing political matter into their sermons, though, as his Excellency added, the wishes of the Government have in many instances been completely disregarded; but whether by the Bishops, or by their subordinates, he did not specify.
I have, &c.
THIS morning, M. Carafa entered freely and willingly into conversation upon the internal state of the country, and I then took the opportunity of conveying to him the substance of your Lordship's despatch of January 16th, which he listened to without impatience, saying he gave Her Majesty's Government full credit for desiring nothing but the prosperity of the Kingdom and the maintenance of the Dynasty.
He said he would even go further, and admit that there was great truth in much of what your Lordship said, but that Her Majesty's Government were not aware of the difficulties in the way of the introduction of any changes in this country.
My Lord,Naples, March 2, 1860.
A SHORT time ago I forwarded to your Lordship a copy of a circular from the Minister of Police directing the Intendants to arrest, without hesitation, the persona against whom there might be even simple grounds for suspicion.
The Government have now shown themselves determined to go a step further, and yesterday proceeded to arrest men upon whom no suspicion of taking part in any conspiracy can fall.
Of the number of persons arrested I can give your Lordship no accurate information, though I am told they were numerous in the middle and lower classes, but among my own friends or acquaintances, and belonging to the highest families, I can count five who have either been actually arrested or else have found safety in concealment; these are: the Prince Torella; the Marquis de Bella, brother to Prince Torella; Prince Camporeale; Duke Proto; Marquis Vulcano.
Prince Torella received a letter desiring him to attend at the Prefecture of Police, which he did, nothing doubting, and was there told to consider himself under arrest, and to have his preparations made for leaving the kingdom the following morning. He made no resistance, but asked leave to be allowed to return home to make his preparations, and to take leave of a very aged mother; but this indulgence was refused him, nor could he obtain any information with regard to the crime imputed to him.
The arrest, however, of the Prince, and the universal conviction that no justification could be given for it, produced so great an effect upon all clauses that the same night he was set at liberty and allowed to return home.
We are now told that it was all a mistake !
His brother, the Marquis Bella, eluded the pursuit of the police, but it has been conveyed to him that he must leave the country.
Prince Camporeale likewise succeeded in hiding himself, but he has since been allowed to return home; and, in his case, like that of Prince Torella, the order for the arrest is now said to be a mistake.
Duke Proto and Marquis Vulcano have been arrested and ordered into exiie without trial or examination.
There are likewise two Marquises Monte Rossi, and the MM. Vacca, De Sinione, and two De Philippe, summarily ordered into exile. Of the two last named gentlemen, one is a lawyer, and the other an employ? of the Government, and both leave behind them families depending entirely upon them for their means of subsistence, and who will now be left penniless and dependent upon charity.
During the afternoon and night of yesterday the town was patrolled, and the troops kept under arms, but no sort of disturbance took place, though the Government affirm that they had positive proof that there was to be a dangerous demonstration, and that a seditious handbill had been posted up.
Whatever evidence may be sufficient to satisfy the Government of the existence of plots or conspiracies, it is certain that the proofs are not such as would bear the light; but the denunciations of spies are received as conclusive, and the accused are summarily ordered into banishment untried and unheard.
I will infom your Lordship, by the messenger on Tuesday, of the steps I have taken with the hitherto vain hope of inducing the Government to pause in a course which, if persisted in, must finally lead to the destruction of the King and of his Dynasty.
I have &c
My Lord,.Naples, March 3, 1860.
I TOOK the earliest opportunity of seeing M. Carafa to inquire the cause of the arrests mentioned in my despatch of yesterday's date, and to ask whether the country was in so eminently critical a state as to call for such . extreme measures, directed against men who could scarcely be seriously suspected of conspiracy or treason.
M. Carafa repeated, as he has so often done before, that the Government felt no uneasiness, but that they had received undoubted Information of the intention of the partizans of annexation to Sardinia of making a demonstration Which it would have been necessary to suppress by force; and that to avoid bloodshed, the preventive measures which I had alluded to had been taken; and his Excellency triumphantly pointed to the tranquility with which the day had passed as conclusive evidence in favour of the course adopted.
I said, that of course if the Government had the proof which he said they possessed, of a conspiracy to violate the law, they could not be blamed for arresting the persons implicated; but I trusted there was no truth in the report that those persons, instead of being openly brought to trial, where their guilt or innocence might be proved in the face of day, were to be summarily transported or exiled without trial or examination.
To my regret, however, M. Carafa replied that such was the decision of the Government; for that although they had proofs sufficient to satisfy themselves of the guilt of the persons arrested, the evidence was not such as would procure a conviction in a Court of Justice.
"In plainer words", I answered, "you have resolved to accept as conclusive the denunciations of spies whom you dare not bring face to face with the accused." And this, without apparent shame, M. Carafa frankly admitted to be the state of the case; repeating, that he was aware they could not procure a legal conviction, hut that they had no doubt whatever of the guilt of the accused.
I asked whether he or any one else could believe that a man like Prince Torella would be a leader in a seditious but childish demonstration; and he at once replied that he did not believe it, and that the Prince's arrest had been an "error", which was speedily remedied.
I begged M. Carafa not to talk of a man in Prince Torella's position being arrested by mistake; for that the only "error" which was evident was a miscalculation of the effect upon the public which had been produced by the arrest.
I asked whether Prince Camporeale, who had concealed himself, was a dangerous character, and with regard to him I was told that I might convey to him the assurance that he might return home without being molested.
I then said that the Marquis de Bella had been told that if he gave himself up he should receive passports for the frontier, but that he dared not put himself in the hands of the police, as innocence no longer protected a man from punishment in a country where he is not allowed to disprove the charges brought against him; and M. Carafa empowered me to convey to him the promise that he would be allowed to leave the country.
I used all the arguments in my power to persuade the Government to pause in , the fatal course in which they have embarked, and I especially pointed out that, at a moment when the administration is without a President or Head, the odium of these measures would fall direct upon the King himself, and I concluded by saying that as I felt convinced that the destruction both of His Majesty and of the Dynasty is inevitable unless wiser counsels are listened to, I would heg him to request for me the honour of an audience in order that when the catastrophe arrives I may not have upon my conscience the reflection that I had not done all in my power to save an inexperienced Sovereign from impending ruin.
M. Carafa promised to convey my request to the King, but I have not vet received an answer.
The French and Spanish Ministers have held the same language as myself.
I have, &c.
Sir,Foreign Office, March 19, 1860.
HER Majesty's Government approve the step taken by you, as reported in your despatch of the 3rd of March, to ask an audience of the King with a view of doing all in your power to save an inexperienced Sovereign from impending ruin.
It is not probable, nor is it, indeed, to be desired that the Government of the Two Sicilies should continue for any long time to form a marked contrast to the Government of Northern and Central Italy.
It is, therefore, the obvious interest of the King of the Two Sicilies to endeavour to gain the affections of his people by attention to their welfare, and by respecting the principles of law and of justice in his treatment of suspected persona.
I am, &c.
(Signed) J. RUSSELL.
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